1 Corinthians 16:1-24

Final instructions are usually both important and significant.  Paul closes this difficult book with some very practical and important admonitions that all of us would do well to follow.
GOD WANTS US TO BE GENEROUS WITH HIS MONEY: God has entrusted us with resources that he expects us to invest in the lives of others and the advancement of the Gospel.  There are many people who have great needs that we, as believers, are called upon to meet as the Lord enables.  This giving is not to be done out of a sense of compulsion or obligation but with joy and a sense of privilege at being able to participate in the work of God.  Satan tricks us into believing that we can only be happy if we accumulate more and more things for ourselves.  The truth is that we will experience true and abiding joy only as we help others and invest in that which is eternal.  Selfishness is always a source of great unhappiness.  Generosity is a constant source of fulfillment and joy. 
GOD WANTS US TO BE GRACIOUS TO HIS MINISTERS: The Lord has many people who He uses to minister in the lives of His people.  These people are instruments in the hands of God to serve us and help us to become more like Christ.  God moves His ministers from place to place in order to accomplish His will and further His work.  This is not always an easy job and God wants us to cooperate with these people and help to meet their needs.  It is easy for us to have expectations of these men and women and become critical of them when they do not measure up to those expectations.  The reality is that God may have others tasks to accomplish using these people than what we may know or understand.  Paul urges the Corinthian believes to be patient and understanding and cooperate with ministries of these servants of His.


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