2 Corinthians 11:1-33

Paul is an example of what being in the ministry should be all about.  In this context he is defending himself before a body that had seen him minister but since had been poisoned in their thinking about him by false ministers with ulterior motives.  It seems the only way that they could get their foothold in the door was to be critical Paul's ministry.  Paul reminds them and teaches us what a minister of Jesus Christ should look like.

PAUL WAS STRIVING TO STRENGTHEN: The reality is that it would have been much easier for Paul to just wash his hands of this group and say that he had done his best and let them go in the direction they were wanting to go.  Paul was not about taking the easy road; he was about taking the right road.  He wanted to strengthen his children in the faith from the attacks of false doctrines and false teachers.  He urged them to stand up for the truth and to stand firm against the attacks of these selfish and sinful leaders pretending to be ministers.  Confrontation is rarely enjoyable and requires a lot of work but it is an important part of the minister's job.  We are called strengthen the body of Christ that it may be able to stand against the storms of sin and false teaching that constantly blow on the lives of believers.  May God give us the courage to confront those God has placed under our care and may He give us the strength to stand we we are tempted.

PAUL WAS SACRIFICING TO SERVE: Paul's ministry model was one of personal sacrifice in order to be able to teach the Word without cost to those who were being taught.  He made tents and he depended on offerings from other places, but he would not accept payment from those to whom he ministered.  This is an impressive step of faith and demonstration of service to all of us.  However, I do not believe, and neither did Paul believe, that this was the ministry model that God required or even desired.  In general, churches ought to pay their pastors so that they can dedicate themselves to the ministry.  The danger is this is that whenever money and ministry start to mix there is always the chance that motives will be jeopardized.  Too often, in today's business model of ministry, the idea of a minister sacrificing personal comfort or financial security in order to serve a congregation has become very rare.  Ministers ought to be able to support their families on their salaries, but they must also be willing to make financial sacrifices in order to serve the Lord.  I think that millionaire ministers is a concept that was foreign to the thinking of Paul.

PAUL WAS SUFFERING TO SAVE: The list of hardship, danger, persecution and pain that Paul suffered in order to save the souls of men is daunting.  Just remember as you read this list that a few chapters ago he called all of this "momentary and light affliction."  I believe he could refer to it as momentary because it would pass quickly in comparison to eternity and that it was light because it brought about the transformation of many hearts.  He had a very clear picture of the priority that the souls of men represented from the eternal perspective.  Whatever suffering he was called upon to face was very small in comparison to the crucial task of promoting the cause of Christ in the lives of men who were lost.  When lives are in danger, emergency workers will overcome intense pain and immense danger in order to save people from death.  How much more should ministers be willing to suffer in order to rescue the souls of men from hell.


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