2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Every now and then in life, we face trials in our efforts to accomplish something, but when we come out on the other end victorious, we say, "It was worth it all."  Of course there are other moments in life where victory is hard to find in the midst of the trials as we find ourselves questioning whether or not and of it is worth while.  Today's passage reminds us that the Gospel truly is "worth it all."

THE GOSPEL IS HIDDEN FROM SOME IN THE WORLD: There are many who are blinded to the glorious Gospel.  They are so enamored with the things of this world that the Gospel has lost it's luster.  Unfortunately there are even those who claim to believe the Gospel and even preach the Gospel that end up trying to add to the message in order to make it more attractive.  The problem is that any additions that are made to the Gospel end up hiding it from view.  If we will faithfully proclaim the truth of the Gospel of Christ we are offering the only true hope that this world has.  It may seem like foolishness to those who reject the truth but it is the only message we have to proclaim.  Those who are blind to the truth will never recognize its worth  but those who are transformed by the Gospel will consider it to be of inestimable value.

THE GOSPEL IS WORTH SUFFERING IN THE WORLD: Paul paid a high price for preaching the Gospel.  He was rejected, criticized and persecuted.  But no matter how much he suffered he was never defeated because he had an eternal hope based on the Gospel of Christ.  God is always faithful to deliver His children from that which is above their ability to handle.  In every circumstance that Paul faced he either was delivered in the nick of time or he was given greater grace to be able to stand firm in the trials he faced.  His confidence in the power of God was great and he was able to rest in that trust no matter how much suffering the Gospel may have brought into his life.

THE GOSPEL IS GREATER THAN THE TRIALS IN THE WORLD: Paul suffered great hardship in his life.  However, he viewed these sufferings as light and momentary because he had his eyes focused on eternity.  The glory of eternity made the trials on earth seem light in comparison to the splendor that God has promised in heaven.  The brevity of life when compared with eternity made all of his trials seem short lived.  We get into trouble when we start considering our life on earth to be the totality of our existence.  This life can be miserable, but it is not at all close to being able to be compared with the glory God has promised us.  Paul promises himself and us that no matter how much we suffer for the cause of Christ "it will be worth it all."


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