2 Corinthians 9:1-15

Paul continues to talk to the Corinthian church about giving.  It seems to me that today there are two extremes to which we often go on this issue, either we ignore giving all together, or we talk about giving all the time.  Paul certainly makes it clear that giving is a subject that we must approach, but, like everything, this must be kept in balance.

GOD WANTS US TO HAVE PREPARATION FOR GIVING: Paul knew that it was in the heart of the church members to give as they had been used of God to encourage others to give.  However, Paul also knew of the potential for distraction that there was in this church.  This is a common problem that most of us face.  We have the best of intentions, but we become distracted from that which is permanent by that which is pressing but passing.  Paul wanted to make sure that they were prepared to giving according to the motives of their hearts.  He prepared them so that they would experience a greater joy in their walk with the Lord and so that they would continue to be an example to others who had already been challenged by them.  The truth is that we often need this kind of encouragement in our lives.  We should not take offense when God sends someone to challenge us in this vital area of our lives.

GOD WANTS US TO FOLLOW HIS PRINCIPLES OF GIVING: There are several principles that Paul teaches us in this passage.  The first principle is that of God's blessing for giving.  Too often this principle has been used to manipulate people to give that which they do not want to in order that they might get what they really want, "more money."  This only encourages more idolatry in our lives.  However, God does promise rich rewards for faithful living and that includes giving.  Many generous people have been given great wealth that they might be able to give more.  I believe that their faithfulness has contributed to this wealth.  However, I do not believe that all generosity will be rewarded with riches.  God will richly reward generosity but we should not expect Him to do so the same way with every person.  The second principle is that of personal motives and desires.  Giving should come from within our hearts and should never be done out of a sense of obligation.  This is a personal matter and I don't think that we should apply blanket percentages or amounts that believers are "required" to give.  This is a heart issue that must come from our heart.  That being said, if it is not in our heart to give, we need to have a heart "check up."  The third principle is that of joy in giving.  All of our responsibilities as believers should come from a heart of joy.  The reality is that all of our Christian duties and disciplines should be desires and delights.  If they are not we must examine our hearts and motives, these are the things the Lord will examine when we stand before Him.  I think the final principle is that of simply trusting God.  He will make provision that will enable us to give and will meet all of our needs.

GOD WANTS US TO KNOW HIS PURPOSE IN GIVING: As in everything the ultimate purpose in giving is for the glory of God.  We honor God and His name is lifted up by others as a result of our giving.  Any time our efforts can be used by God to stimulate others to worship Him it is an awesome thing.  However, in addition to this ultimate purpose there is also the obvious purpose of meeting the needs of others.  When we give we truly do provide for others and are a great source of encouragement to them in both their physical and spiritual lives.  In addition to all of that, we also provide and example for others to follow.  God wants us to be a challenge and encouragement to all those around us.


  1. I needed to read this tonight. maybe it's a good thing I'm a little (or a lot) behind for once. Thanks Dad for being so faithful to keeping on track and writing these!


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