Galatains 4:1-31

Christ has done amazing things for us who were once lost in sin and without hope in this world.  In light of that fact it is astounding that anyone would turn from the grace of Christ in order to strive in vain, through human effort, to attain what Christ alone can offer.  This chapter is so full of rich theological truth I have a hard time knowing where to start and where to stop.  I urge you to read this chapter if you have not already because I will not be able to scratch the surface of the truth contained in this text.  That being said, lets look at it from the perspective of what Christ has done for us.

CHRIST HAS ADOPTED US AS SONS: None of us were born into the family of God.  However, due to the grace God and the sacrifice of Christ we can enjoy the privilege and honor of sonship.  The phrase "Abba Father" is best translated as "daddy."  Every time I read this truth I am amazed that I get to call the creator and sustainer of the universe my Father because of the work of Christ.  As children of God we can enjoy the privileges of God's provisions now as well as look forward to our eternal inheritance for the future.  Thinking about this truth reminds me of that old song "I'm so Glad I'm a Part of the Family of God."  We certainly have great reason for rejoicing.  God has revealed His truth to us treated us as sons instead of slaves.
CHRIST HAS FREED US FROM SLAVERY: We do not need to be in bondage to the Law as we have been set free in Christ and are made to be the children of God.  In reality, the Law does not enslave.  However, the Law makes it abundantly clear that we are enslaved to sin and that the Law has no ability to set us free from sin.  Then Christ steps onto the scene and He fulfilled the Law, took the punishment of death that the Law required and then offers us forgiveness of sin and freedom from the bondage that we were under.  This is the amazing grace of God's Son revealed in us.  Why would anyone who has been set free from sin ever want to live as if he were in bondage once again?  God is honored and glorified when He sees us basking in the joy of forgiveness and freedom from sin that He has provided us through His Son.  

CHRIST HAS SENT US HIS SERVANTS: God has not only provided for our salvation but He has equipped and sent His messengers that might know of His gracious gift.  Paul ministered in the midst of the Galatian believers while suffering under great physical pain and distress.  We do not really know what this disease was, but I believe that this is the same condition that Paul referred to as his "thorn in the flesh" in his letter to the Corinthians.  It appears that Paul had some sort of eye condition that caused him great discomfort, limited his ability to see clearly and it seems also made him look unsightly.  This condition may have made his eyes red or made them bulge or even secrete fluids.  It was a difficult condition but Paul never allowed it to limit him in his commitment to spread the fame of Christ to the nations of the world.  Thank God for dedicated ministers who sacrifice to make Christ known to others.  May God raise up more men like this and may He make us more like him!

CHRIST HAS PROMISED US SALVATION: We have the promise of Salvation from our sin through the sacrifice of Christ.  All other attempts to be reconciled with God that men make up are based on the requirement of human effort or obedience to the traditions of man made rules.  Abraham tried to accomplish the will of God through his own strength and created nothing but heartache for himself and his descendants.  The God fulfilled the promises that He had made and Issac was born just as God had promised.  God has promised to save all those who will place their faith in Christ.  We must rely on His promises for our salvation and not try to "help" Him through our own good works.   His promises provide freedom while our works will only bring bondage.


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