Ephesians 3:1-21

We have many reasons to worship God.  It is what we were created to do, but we often become so distracted by the activities of each day that we tend to become self absorbed and neglect to make God the focus of our lives and the object of our worship.  There is nothing like the Gospel to call us back from the tedium of our lives on earth to the glory of our eternal God.  In this passage Paul is bowing his knees in an act of worship before God as he reflects on the glory of the Gospel.

PAUL WORSHIPS FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF MAKING THE GOSPEL KNOWN: Paul never seems to quite grasp how God could possibly use him to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentile nations.  He urges his readers to reflect on the great gift that God has given us to be able to be members of body of Christ.  This was a great mystery to those who were Gentiles in the time of the Old Testament.  This is exciting news!  God's plan of redemption is an amazing gift and it is such an honor to be able to announce this Great News to the nations.  Any doctor would be honored to be able to announce to the world that he had discovered the cure to cancer.  God has revealed to us the cure of the disease of sin which is far more deadly than cancer.  We should announce this message with grateful hearts and worship God for the honor of proclaiming this glorious message.

PAUL WORSHIPS GOD FOR THE POWER THAT COMES FROM KNOWING THE GOSPEL: Paul prays that his readers will know the Gospel of Christ fully that they might experience the true power that the Gospel produces in the lives of those who believe.  We have been given the power to overcome sin.  The Gospel has made in possible for Christ to dwell in our hearts.  This is an astounding accomplishment and it provides us with a supernatural source of strength.  Unfortunately, we seldom use this power to its greatest potential.  Paul calls us to recognise the preciousness of the power of Christ that is available to us and then to live in light of that glorious gift.  He truly is worthy of worship for the amazing power He provides to us through the Gospel of Christ.


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