2 Corinthians 1:1-24

As we walk with the Lord there are circumstances that we are called to face that may not be of our choosing.  However, God uses event these difficulties in our lives to accomplish His will in our lives and to further His work in the world.
GOD GIVES COMFORT IN SUFFERING: Suffering is a part of living in a sin-cursed world.  It is a common experience in all of our lives.  However, God is faithful to provide comfort during these times of distress and trial.  He then uses our experiences with His comfort so that we can provide comfort to others.  Our experiences are never wasted.  It is great to know that there is a purpose behind what God allows to come into our lives.  God intends to use our trials as a means of helping our brothers and sisters in their walk with Him.  We are never alone in our times of trials.  God is with us and in the person of His Spirit He gives comfort and assurance.  Few people have ever experienced the level of suffering that Paul faced, but out of this experience and these trials God raised up a man that was greatly used to help countless people and many generations of believers.
GOD GIVES CHARACTER FOR SERVICE: Those who desire to be used of God must have the character of God in their hearts and live according to the principles of God’s Word.  Their word must be honored and they must be examples of integrity.  We live in a day where there is a crisis of integrity.  Leaders use lies to exploit people and expand their own power.  This is not what God intends for His children.  God guides us in His will and through His Word to build character in our lives.  There is no place for dishonesty and manipulation in the work of God.  We are called to be servants who obey God and seek to help the people who are around us.  God changes us into His likeness so that He can use us as instruments of change in the lives of others.


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