Ephesians 1:1-23

Paul begins this wonderful book with what I think must be one of the longest sentences in all of literature.  Basically, verses 3-12 are all one sentence and in some versions it goes all the way to verse 14.  It just seems like Paul was so thrilled with the theological truth that was "pent up" inside of him that he just had to get it out.  Paul starts the chapter with a beautiful description of our salvation and he concludes it with a profound pray that believes will be able to comprehend and live in light of so great a salvation that comes from our Lord.

PRESENTS FROM GOD: Paul explains to us how each member of the trinity is involved in the glorious salvation that He has given us.  God the Father has blessed us, chosen us and predestined us.  His blessings are not simply temporal or earthly blessings, they are blessing in heavenly places that will endure for all of eternity.  He chose us, not based on our works, because He chose us before the foundations of the earth.  He predestined us to become like the Lord Jesus Christ.  We often struggle with understanding the doctrine of predestination, but we must realize that God has not simply determined that we would be saved, but He has determined to transform our lives for His glory.  God the Son has redeemed us, forgiven us, revealed the will of God to us, and given us an inheritance with Him from the Father.  The Son accomplishes that which the Father has determined.  The only way that we can be made like Christ is through the redemption of Christ that provides for us the forgiveness of sin and then equips us to know and obey the will of God that we might be like Jesus.  The Holy Spirit seals us and guarantees our standing before God.  The Spirit keeps that which the Son has achieved.  The Holy Spirit works in our lives to make us like Christ and He is the first instalment of the process that God starts in our lives when we come to Christ.  Each member of the trinity does His part in bringing our salvation to being.  He has done that which was impossible for us to do apart from Him.  May God be praised for ever and ever!

PRAYERS TO GOD: Paul concludes the chapter with a prayer that Believes would understand in their hearts the truths that he has just explained along with their implications.  Paul wants them, and us, to not allow these precious truths to simply pass over our heads and never impact our hearts.  Far too often we learn these doctrines and are able to define them and strive to understand them but we are not transformed by them.  Paul prays that this would not be the case.  He wants and prays that we would realize that God saves us in order to transform our lives into the likeness of Christ.  His plan of salvation is not simply to rescue us from hell, but it is to fit us for heaven in the very depths of our hearts.  God has done an amazing thing through Christ and He has given us the astounding power of the Holy Spirit.  These gifts are not to be taken lightly but the should constantly occupy our minds that we might worship Him.  Our salvation should change our attitudes, actions, relationships and the very desires of our hearts.  This radical transformation should be the subject of our prayers for ourselves as well as one another.


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