2 Corinthians 8:1-24

One of the great privileges of the Christian walk is to be able to contribute to the needs of others.  Like most of our privileges it is also a responsibility.  Our attitudes when we contribute will make a big difference in how we go about this part of our walk with Christ.

THE EXAMPLE OF GENEROSITY: The Macedonian Church was a great example of the giving spirit that God desires to see in all of us.  Even though they had very little and were suffering under great persecution, they were thrilled to be able to participate in this ministry of giving.  They wanted a part of the eternal fruit that Paul was producing as well as to help with those who were in need back in Jerusalem.  The point is that they had a focus outside of themselves, they were willing to sacrifice of themselves in order to serve their brothers, and they did it with glad and grateful hearts.  This is an example worthy of imitation, not only because they gave but because they gave with joy in their hearts and they gave not out of abundance but out of great need.  If we wait until we have "left overs" we will never give.  If we give out of a grudging attitude, we might as well not give.

THE EXPERIENCE OF GENEROSITY: Paul had seen the generosity of others and had given generously of himself to many places.  Now Paul was calling on the Corinthian believers to join in on this great and important experience for themselves.  They had been talking about doing it for some time and seemed to have good intentions, but it seems that they had really never gotten around to making it happen.  This, apparently, was a prosperous church with a greater ability to give than many other places, yet they had not yet taken the plunge into the joy of giving.  Too often we have great plans and can talk a lot about giving, but we fail to truly get involved.  When we do that we are the ones who are missing out on the pleasure of participating in the work of God.  The experience of giving is a blessed one that we must not allow to pass us by.

THE EXPECTATION OF GENEROSITY: Paul recognized that managing the gifts with which he had been entrusted was an important aspect of his ministry.  God expects us to administrate the funds He entrusts to us very well.  We must never be flippant with the gifts that God gives.  As givers, we should be careful to give to that which will be invested for eternity, but as long as we give out of pure motives and with a joyful heart, that is what God expects.  As recipients of gifts, we must be honest and faithful and not misuse that which God has provided.  This is true of those of us who receive offerings but it is true for those of us who receive pay checks as well.  The reality is that all of our resources are "gifts" that come to us from the generous hand of God.  It is His expectation that we invest them wisely for His glory and the growth of the kingdom.


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