2 Corinthians 5:1-21

We are all impacted by our pasts in our present circumstance.  We can look back and see how life's experiences have shaped the way we think and act.  However, we rarely consider the fact that our future should impact the way we live in the present.  Paul touches on this subject in today's chapter.

WE LIVE IN TEMPORARY TENTS: One of Satan's most common tactics is to make us hyper-valuate our lives on this earth.  We often smile at children when they think that life has come to an "end" because of a relatively small problem like a broken toy or hurt feelings.  However, I think that when we get to heaven we will look back on how "important" we thought life on earth was and we will sheepishly laugh at our immaturity.  Paul lived his life on earth to the greatest possible benefit for the kingdom, yet he kept in clear perspective the fact that life on earth was temporary.  He saw that his body on earth was only a tent and he was not going to get all wrapped up in that which was only temporary.  We must be careful not to become so enamored by the things of this life that we loose focus on eternity.

WE WILL FACE JESUS' JUDGMENT: The fact that life on earth is temporary, does not make it unimportant.  The truth is that this life will have eternal ramifications as we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  In light of the fact that Jesus will judge us, we are instructed to life this life in such a way that is pleasing to Him.  We need to recognize that God cares about what we do with the life that He has given us.  He has gifted us to serve Him and live for His honor and glory.  He has promised to reward us richly for being faithful with that which He has blessed us.  We must not squander the opportunity He gives us and we must be courageous to live our lives with an eye on the eternal.

WE MUST STRIVE TO PERSUADE PEOPLE: The fact that there is an eternity waiting for us and all men should awaken us to the importance of proclaiming the truth to others.  Christ died so that the world might have the opportunity to be reconciled to God.  This was the purpose of the incarnation, that sinners might be able to be rightly related to God.  God's plan of redemption through Christ should be the primary focus of all believers lives as it is God's priority for this age.  The only hope that man has of being reconciled to God is Christ and the the only way that man will hear about and turn to Christ it through the proclamation of the Gospel.  This eternal truth must be the driving force behind all that we do in this temporary tent. 


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