
Showing posts from April, 2014

Psalm 64:1-10

The Lord hears our prayers and is able to deliver us from the most difficult of circumstances.  Men may plot evil and think that they can get away with it, but that is not true.  God sees everything and He is able to judge according to His righteousness.  There may be times in our lives when it looks like things are out of control.  When that happens we must be faithful to call out to the Lord and know that He will take care of us and that He will take care of them as well.  EVIL MEN WILL BOAST OF THEIR SUCCESS: David had many enemies and was often literally surrounded by them.  He did the only thing he could do in such a situation; he cried out to the Lord for help.  These evil men would attack with their words, the make up lies and plot all kinds of injustice.  The biggest problem is that their efforts may be greatly successful at first and they can become very confident in their malicious gossip and dishonesty.  This gives them even m...

Psalm 63:1-11

Our desires reveal our hearts and our true objects of worship.  If that is true than we can certainly determine the depth and reality of our relationship with God by evaluating our desire for God.  We all have many desires, some of them are natural and legitimate while others are sinful.  We all desire peace, comfort, health, security and love just to name a few.  However, each of these legitimate desires can become idols in our lives if we begin to have a greater desire for them than we have for the Lord.  David describes his desire for God as the thirst of a man in the desert without water.  Our worship is always driven by our desires.  If our passions and affections are for our own pleasures; than these pleasures are the true gods of our lives.  Our desire for God must be the greatest desire of our lives. GOD BRINGS SATISFACTION TO THOSE WHO DESIRE HIM: Satisfaction can be a wonderful blessing or it can be a terrible curse.  God wants...

Psalm 62:1-12

Waiting is one of the hardest things for us to do.  We have a tendency to be in a hurry to get things done or resolve whatever might be wrong so when we have to wait it can be torturous for us.  If waiting is hard; then waiting in silence is almost impossible.  When we do have to wait we seem to like to worry, fret and complain about whatever it is that we may be waiting for.  David states twice in this Psalm that he waits in silence for God.  He recognized that God was the true source of help and hope so he was able to wait patiently and joyfully in the Lord.  Waiting is simply a matter of trusting God to do what needs to be done exactly when it needs to be done.  We must have confidence in the Lord and know that He is worthy of our faith, hope and love even when we must wait. WE WAIT ON THE LORD BECAUSE MEN ARE UNFAITHFUL: Men are naturally self-promoters.  We like to be on top and are willing to do pretty much anything to get there.  ...

Psalm 61:1-9

Prayer is one of the believer’s most precious blessings.  We have direct access to the Father when we call out to Him in prayer.  There are times in life when we face trials that can easily overwhelm us.  However we must always remember that we are not alone.  We do not need to face these trials on our own.  God is with us and He is always able to deliver us from all kinds of evil.  There is no need for us to worry, fret and lose hope because our Lord hears and answers our prayers.  David teaches us three important lessons about prayer. GOD WANTS US TO REST IN PRAYER: God is glorified when we admit to the fact that we are not able to handle life on our own but that we need God.  We can rest assured that God hears our prayers and is able to answer our prayers according to His will.  God wants us to call out to Him, to take refuge in Him; He wants us to rest in His power and grace.  We must recognize that He is our Rock and that He is...

Psalm 60:1-12

There are times when we will feel as if God has rejected us.  That feeling is not entirely accurate because it is not exactly God who has rejected us; rather it is us who has rejected God.  Sin has consequences and it has a direct impact on our relationship with God.  We cannot presume that we can live in sin and still experience the same blessings from the Lord in our lives.  When God withholds His blessing from our lives it may feel like He has rejected us.  However, the reality is that He withholds His blessing in an effort to motivate us and draw us back into a right relationship with Him.  Our sufferings are very often permitted by God and subsequently used by God in order to draw us closer to Him.  So when it feels like He has rejected us; the reality is that He is working to bring us back to where we should have always been. GOD HATES SIN: The reality of life is that God stands against those who live in sin.  God hates sin because it b...

Psalm 59:1-17

God is a fortress.  He protects us from the evil and hatred that surrounds us.  In the midst of people who desire our destruction and plot evil against us; God engulfs us with His steadfast love and allows us to be victorious through His power and might.  It is of utmost importance that we always remember that we are not alone.  God is always with us and stands ready to protect us from all that threaten.  Fear can be a debilitating emotion that paralyzes us and prevents us from actively worshiping and enjoying the Lord.  Faith provides us with the security we need to be able to praise the Lord even when we are perplexed by the problems we face. WE MUST RECOGNIZE THE DANGERS THAT WE FACE: The Christian life is not a life of denial.  There is no point in denying the dangers that are all around those who desire to serve the Lord.  Sinners do not like to be convicted about their sin.  Those who deny the existence of God do not like to be tol...

Psalm 58:1-11

Judgment is one of the things that we fear and dislike the most in the world.  We fear being misjudged by the courts or by other people who jump to conclusions about us that are simply not true.  Too often in the world we see evil people who are untouched by the justice system while good men are being condemned.  The basic purpose of human government is to punish evil and promote good.  However, when those responsibilities are inverted and the people in charge begin to punish good while promoting evil it can become easy for us to be fearful.  We can rest assured that there is a just Judge in heaven that is well aware of all the events of the earth and He will make all things right in the end. THE WICKED REJOICE IN THAT WHICH IS WRONG: Wicked men will do according to that which is in their hearts.  They are evil and they approve of evil things.  They will scheme of ways to hurt all that is good and pure because it is convicting to them.  They ...

Psalm 57:1-11

God’s glory must be the priority of our lives.  God’s glory is the priority of all of heaven and earth.  God’s glory must be the burning passion of our lives and the focus of all that we do.  It is easy for us to allow the circumstances of our lives to distract us from the primary task that the Lord has given us.  David writes this Psalm while he is hiding in a cave while the army of an entire nation is after him.  However, despite David’s discomfort and the dangers that he faced every day, his focus was on worship and his greatest desire was that God’s name be exalted and His glory be revealed in all of heaven and earth.  No matter what is on our agendas on any given day, our primordial task is to exalt the name of the Lord. WE GLORIFY GOD BY PRAYING TO HIM FOR MERCY AND PROTECTION: We must always remember that this life is too difficult for us to handle on our own.  It is easy for us to be tempted in our own pride to think that we can face whate...

Psalm 56:1-13

Fear can be one of the most crippling emotions that we face in our lives.  We live in a dangerous world where many bad things can happen to us.  There are evil men who can bring harm to us.  There are natural disasters that can destroy all of our possessions and even take our lives.  Illness and accidents are realities that are often beyond our control.  When we look at all that could happen, we can easily be overcome with fear.  However, God does not want us to live in fear of men or the circumstances of life.  He loves us and He wants us to trust in Him and be thankful to Him so that we can enjoy our lives on this dangerous earth in way that brings glory to Him and comfort to us.  The key is simply trusting that the Lord is truly in control of all that may happen in our lives.  We must learn to fight our fears with faith. OUR ENEMIES WILL THREATEN: The reality of the treats that we face in life is undeniable.  Men will try to tram...

Psalm 55:1-23

Prayer is a wonderful resource that is available to every child of God.  The world in which we live is full of uncertainties, disappointments, fears and evils.  This reality can haunt us and make our lives miserable if we focus on our circumstances.  However, there is hope that is available to us when we take our problems to the Lord in prayer.  God not only hears us, but He is able to deliver us and bring our oppressors to justice.  We must never think that we are alone.  We must recognize that the Lord is in control and place our trust in Him.  Through prayer we declare our dependence upon Him and demonstrate our faith in His power and love. WE PRAY WHEN OUR ENEMIES SEEK TO DESTROY US: There are many enemies that we will face throughout the course of our lives.  We live in a wicked world that is set against God.  It is only natural to assume that a world that is fallen and in rebellion against God will take aim at the children of God....

Psalm 54:1-7

Salvation comes from the Lord.  When we are under attack from evil men or when we recognize our own sinful state; our hope rests fully on the Lord.  He is able to save us and deliver us from the most evil of men and the most dangerous of circumstance.  We must learn to trust Him, depend upon Him and cry out to Him for our salvation.  Our tendency is to want to be self-sufficient and believe that we are capable of saving ourselves.  This is foolishness.  God is our only hope, salvation comes from Him. WE MUST PRAY TO THE LORD FOR HELP: The first thing that all of us must do, is come to the realization that we need help.  We are not strong enough or smart enough to solve our own problems.  Our enemies are greater than our strength and our sin is greater than our character.  We are in need of help from God.  Our first reaction should be to cry out to the Lord in prayer.  He is able and willing to save us.  It is pointless for...

Psalm 53:1-6

Sin is the universal problem that every man woman and child faces on the face of the planet.  It is a part of who we are since the fall in the Garden of Eden.  Mankind has become corrupt and desires to be in control.  We do not like the idea of being responsible to God.  In reality, we want to be our own god.  In order to accomplish that status we must convince ourselves that there is no God.  In our hearts we know that God exists and we are responsible to worship Him, but our sinfulness has motivated us to deny what we know to be true in order to facilitate our being able to live the way that we want to live.  Fortunately there is a solution for sin through faith in Jesus Christ who has offered Himself in order to redeem us from sin. THE CORRUPTION OF SIN IS UNIVERSAL: Sin has affected and infected every person on the face of the earth.  As God looks done from heaven He cannot find one person who is just.  Nobody is able to please God o...

Psalm 52:1-9

Enemies are a reality for which every child of God must prepare as long as we live on this sin cursed planet.  It only stands to reason that those who have rebelled against the Lord will also want to destroy those that trust the Lord.  We should never be surprised by the treachery of sinful men.  Instead we should prepare for it and ready ourselves to stand firm in the face of this type of persecution.  It is possible for us to withstand these attacks because God’s love is always consistent even in the midst of our most difficult days.  The Lord never leaves us to face these problems alone.  He is always with us, knows all about our trials and will certainly do what is right and just to all who are involved. WE MUST BE READY FOR THE WORDS OF THE WICKED: The most common and powerful weapon that wicked men wield is their tongue.  They do not care about the truth and their goal is to destroy all those who follow God by whatever means they can.  ...

Psalm 51:1-19

When we sin, there is really only one thing that we can do; and that is to cry out to the Lord for forgiveness.  He is the only one who is able to restore us and cleanse us from sin so that we might enjoy our relationship with Him.  God is rich in mercy and stands ready to forgive, but he does require that we admit to our sin and call on Him to forgive.  We stand in need of help from God and He has the ability to meet our needs.  Our natural reaction is to deny our sin or make excuses for it, but as long as we do that we will not find forgiveness.  God’s treatment of sin is perfect and complete through the work of Christ.  Forgiveness in our greatest need and generally follows this pattern. RECOGNITION OF SIN: Sinners want to hide.  We see this from the very first sin in the Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve sinned against God and responded to that sin by trying to hide from God.  The desire to hide our sin is not surprising but it is futile...

Psalm 50:1-23

God is the Judge of the universe.  There is no other judge like Him and nothing is above Him.  The entire earth is before Him and must give account to Him.  This is a reality from which nobody can escape.  Many men have an illusion that they are free to do and choose as they please without consequence from God.  They are mistaken.  Just because God’s final judgment is delayed does not mean that it will not happen.  God’s love and patience are astounding, but they will not keep Him from judging all of mankind.  God is a consuming fire.  He is ready to stand as judge over both the faithful and rebellious.  Fortunately God has revealed to us what is important to Him as our judge.  He wants us to know exactly what pleases Him as well as that which does not please Him.  This information is very valuable to all of us who desire to prepare properly for the day that we will all stand before God as our judge. GOD IS NOT IMPRESSED B...

Psalm 49:1-20

Instant gratification is one of Satan’s favorite and most effective traps.  We are easily persuaded to spend now and pay later and to enjoy pleasures today without regard for the consequences of tomorrow.  God has created us as eternal beings but we tend to ignore the eternal and fix our eyes only on the present.  No matter how long we may live on earth, our lives here will be extremely short when compared to eternity.  Each of us will stand before God and He will determine our eternity based on the work of Jesus Christ.  None of us are able to pay the ransom price for our sin, so our only hope is in the cross of Christ who paid our ransom.  No matter how much power or money we accumulate we cannot purchase eternal life.  Death and standing before the Lord are unavoidable so we must stop living for today and start living for “THAT DAY” when our eternal destiny will be determined.  God would have us live in light of eternity instead of living for ...

Psalm 48:1-8

God is great!  He has proven this time and time again throughout the history of the world and His dealings with His chosen people.  Because of His greatness, God is worthy of all honor and praise.  The city of Jerusalem is the focus of this Psalm, not because it is, in itself, such a beautiful or powerful city; but because it is the dwelling place of God, the place where He has revealed Himself and made Himself known.  By His great might He has demonstrated His ability to protect His people from all who would come against them.  It does not matter how big and strong the army is that comes against God’s children.  God’s power is greater than any foe.  We can rest in this truth and use this truth to motivate us to honor and praise the Lord. THE POWER OF GOD CAUSES HIS ENEMIES TO RETREAT: There are numerous times throughout the history of Israel where enemy nations came out to make war against Israel.  Their campaign may have been successful at ...

Psalm 47:1-9

Praising God is a part of what we were made to do.  Praise is a vital part of our worship that should flow from grateful hearts for the wonderful works that God has done.  There are many ways that we should praise the Lord.  We can clap our hands, shout with our lungs, dance with our feet, use instruments and raise our voices in song; just to name a few.  All the creativity that God has granted us should be put to use as a means of praising the Lord.  Some people can clap faster, shout louder, dance more beautifully, play more skillfully and sing more on tune than others.  However, the quality of our praise from man’s perspective matters very little to God as long as it comes from a sincere heart that is truly praising the Lord.  Praise should never be about what we can do but always be about what God has done. WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE WE FEAR HIS POWER: There is no power that can compare to the power of God.  All the armies of all the nations w...

Psalm 46:1-11

There are storms in this life that can easily shake our faith and fill us with fear, but we are not alone in the storms of life.  God is always available to us to provide a shelter from the storms and give us hope in the midst of our troubles.  It is very important that we always remember that we are not alone.  Even when it feels like we are adrift in the midst of the ocean with wind and waves tossing us back and forth; we must remember that God is right there with us.  He has the ability to calm the wind and the waves, guide us to our destination and protect us from the storms of this life.  We must not doubt Him, ignore Him or forget about Him.  He is always available to us and can handle any problem we face.  Our job is to trust Him, take our troubles to Him and then praise His greatness to all the nations of the world. GOD PROTECTS US WITH HIS PRESENCE: God is always with us and stands ready to help us in every situation that we might face....

Psalm 45:1-17

Not everything will remain as it was and is.  There is a day that is coming when the world in which we live and the people of the earth will change in a very radical way.  We live in a world where God is mocked and Jesus is used as a swear word as much or more than it is used in prayer or worship.  These days will not last forever.  There is a change coming to this planet in which Jesus will be worshiped by all the nations of the world.  This Psalm looks forward to that wonderful day when Christ returns to the earth as King and establishes His throne forever and ever.  It may seem that this day is very far away, but it is most definitely coming and it will be a very glorious day.  We must learn to live in light of that day today. JESUS WILL BE A VICTORIOUS WARRIOR: The first time that Jesus came to this earth; He came as a small baby, He was persecuted, criticized, misunderstood and eventually crucified by the nation to whom He had revealed Himsel...