Psalm 61:1-9

Prayer is one of the believer’s most precious blessings.  We have direct access to the Father when we call out to Him in prayer.  There are times in life when we face trials that can easily overwhelm us.  However we must always remember that we are not alone.  We do not need to face these trials on our own.  God is with us and He is always able to deliver us from all kinds of evil.  There is no need for us to worry, fret and lose hope because our Lord hears and answers our prayers.  David teaches us three important lessons about prayer.

GOD WANTS US TO REST IN PRAYER: God is glorified when we admit to the fact that we are not able to handle life on our own but that we need God.  We can rest assured that God hears our prayers and is able to answer our prayers according to His will.  God wants us to call out to Him, to take refuge in Him; He wants us to rest in His power and grace.  We must recognize that He is our Rock and that He is higher than we are.  He is able to care for us when we are not able to care for ourselves.  In the face of our most dangerous enemies we can rest in His protection.

GOD WANTS US TO REQUEST IN PRAYER: David’s requests to the Lord were all about being able to take refuge in the Lord.  He asks to be welcomed into God’s tent and to be sheltered under God’s wings.  God wants us to enjoy His presence and request the honor of walking in fellowship with Him as our greatest passion and desire.  God hears our requests and He grants them to us according to His will.  David requested a long live and God granted that request.  We have access to the God of David.  We should request God’s love and faithfulness to be our constant companions.

GOD WANTS US TO REJOICE IN PRAYER: When we pray to the Lord we should have our hearts full of praise for His glorious grace and goodness to us.  God has answered so many of our requests.  God has given us rest in the midst of so many difficulties.  The very least that we can do is sing His praises and rejoice in the wonderful work of His hands.  God wants us to make requests in prayer but that should not be the only content of our prayer.  Praying is a time for rejoicing in the multiple and wonderful provision of the Lord.


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