Psalm 62:1-12

Waiting is one of the hardest things for us to do.  We have a tendency to be in a hurry to get things done or resolve whatever might be wrong so when we have to wait it can be torturous for us.  If waiting is hard; then waiting in silence is almost impossible.  When we do have to wait we seem to like to worry, fret and complain about whatever it is that we may be waiting for.  David states twice in this Psalm that he waits in silence for God.  He recognized that God was the true source of help and hope so he was able to wait patiently and joyfully in the Lord.  Waiting is simply a matter of trusting God to do what needs to be done exactly when it needs to be done.  We must have confidence in the Lord and know that He is worthy of our faith, hope and love even when we must wait.

WE WAIT ON THE LORD BECAUSE MEN ARE UNFAITHFUL: Men are naturally self-promoters.  We like to be on top and are willing to do pretty much anything to get there.  The most common means that men use to promote themselves is by demoting others.  In order to get to the top of the heap it is necessary to climb up on the backs of other people.  Sometimes men use frontal attacks like a battering ram to knock others over.  Sometimes they use more subtle attacks like lying and hypocrisy to tear others down while they pretend to be a friend.  The point is that men are unfaithful and cannot be trusted as a source of strength or protection.  God is our only true refuge and source of salvation.  In the face of the attacks of men we must learn to wait patiently on Him to deliver us and help us.  He is truly faithful in the midst of men who are unfaithful.  

WE WAIT ON THE LORD BECAUSE MEN ARE UNRELIABLE: We tend to have an elevated opinion of our own importance.  The truth is that all of mankind is simply temporary and passing by.  David makes it clear that the man of low esteem and the man of high estate are both simply like a breath that disappears and has no lasting substance.  Man seeks to gain power and possessions through extortion, robbery and the accumulation of wealth.  These are all vain hopes that will all go up in smoke when God judges the earth.  God is the only reliable source of hope.  He is the only reliable refuge.  All other sources of hope and promises of salvation are vain, passing and simply unreliable because they come from the work of man.  We must know and believe that no matter how long it takes for God to step in and make things right that He is worth the wait.


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