Psalm 55:1-23

Prayer is a wonderful resource that is available to every child of God.  The world in which we live is full of uncertainties, disappointments, fears and evils.  This reality can haunt us and make our lives miserable if we focus on our circumstances.  However, there is hope that is available to us when we take our problems to the Lord in prayer.  God not only hears us, but He is able to deliver us and bring our oppressors to justice.  We must never think that we are alone.  We must recognize that the Lord is in control and place our trust in Him.  Through prayer we declare our dependence upon Him and demonstrate our faith in His power and love.
WE PRAY WHEN OUR ENEMIES SEEK TO DESTROY US: There are many enemies that we will face throughout the course of our lives.  We live in a wicked world that is set against God.  It is only natural to assume that a world that is fallen and in rebellion against God will take aim at the children of God.  There will be times when we feel trapped and be overcome by fear because of the attacks of the evil men that surround us.  It is during those times that we must remember to call out to the Lord in prayer.  He hears us and delivers us.  God can give us wings to escape from harm or He can provide shelter to us in the midst of the storms we are called to face.  When we are feeling overwhelmed we must turn to the Lord in prayer.

WE PRAY WHEN OUR FRIENDS SEEK TO DECEIVE US: We expect to be attacked by our enemies, but perhaps the most difficult thing we have to face is when we are betrayed by a friend.  Our enemies attack us from the outside and we are prepared for that; but our friends attack us from the inside and almost always take us by surprise.  At one moment we are enjoying sweet fellowship together and then, it seems without warning, they turn on us and the deception is complete.  This kind of treachery is so difficult because we are not prepared for it.  We don’t expect a person with whom we have shared meals and worshiped together to try to destroy us.  This is when we must trust the Lord and cry out to Him for help.  He is the righteous judge and the Friend who will never betray us.

WE PRAY WHEN OUR CIRCUMSTANCES DISAPPOINT US: We all hope that our lives will be easy and comfortable or at least stable.  The truth is that because of sin and its effects on the world in which we live; our lives are hard, painful and ever changing.  All day long, morning, evening and night we are surrounded by circumstances that are not of our choosing.  We will face battles with our enemies and be betrayed by our friends.  At times we will feel absolutely powerless to survive.  That is when we must remember to cry out to the Lord in prayer.  He hears us when we humble ourselves before Him.  He is honored when we place our trust in Him.  He is faithful to judge all those who stand against His children.  We can lay all of our burdens at His feet and know that He will protect us, sustain us and help us to stand firm no matter how difficult our circumstances might become. 


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