Psalm 52:1-9

Enemies are a reality for which every child of God must prepare as long as we live on this sin cursed planet.  It only stands to reason that those who have rebelled against the Lord will also want to destroy those that trust the Lord.  We should never be surprised by the treachery of sinful men.  Instead we should prepare for it and ready ourselves to stand firm in the face of this type of persecution.  It is possible for us to withstand these attacks because God’s love is always consistent even in the midst of our most difficult days.  The Lord never leaves us to face these problems alone.  He is always with us, knows all about our trials and will certainly do what is right and just to all who are involved.

WE MUST BE READY FOR THE WORDS OF THE WICKED: The most common and powerful weapon that wicked men wield is their tongue.  They do not care about the truth and their goal is to destroy all those who follow God by whatever means they can.  This is the reality of the world in which we live and we must be ready for it.  David was a man after God’s own heart and he was constantly attacked by wicked men who lied about him and tried to ruin him.  We must not become discouraged or allow these realities to fill our minds with doubts about God.  A wise man will be prepared for this type of evil.

WE MUST REMEMBER THE LOVE OF THE LORD:  Even though we live in an evil world; we are still surrounded by the steadfast love of the Lord.  In our times of trial God is our refuge and our strength.  We can trust Him to judge evil and to be our protection from the attacks of the wicked.  Every man who trusts in his own strength and riches will be brought down to shame and destruction in the end.  Every man who trusts in the love of the Lord will be richly rewarded and their mouths will be filled with thanksgiving.  Every time we come under attack from the wicked we must remember and take refuge in the love of the Lord.


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