Psalm 50:1-23
God is the Judge of the universe. There is no other judge like Him and nothing
is above Him. The entire earth is before
Him and must give account to Him. This
is a reality from which nobody can escape.
Many men have an illusion that they are free to do and choose as they
please without consequence from God.
They are mistaken. Just because
God’s final judgment is delayed does not mean that it will not happen. God’s love and patience are astounding, but
they will not keep Him from judging all of mankind. God is a consuming fire. He is ready to stand as judge over both the
faithful and rebellious. Fortunately God
has revealed to us what is important to Him as our judge. He wants us to know exactly what pleases Him
as well as that which does not please Him.
This information is very valuable to all of us who desire to prepare
properly for the day that we will all stand before God as our judge.
THANKSGIVING AND FAITH: God begins revealing the standards of His judgment for
His children. We must never be fooled
into thinking that God is somehow in need of our offerings and sacrifices. Religious rituals serve to remind us of
spiritual truths that are important for us to recognize and remember but these
rituals are not the basis by which we can stand before God. Just like God did not need to eat the animals
that were sacrificed on the altars of Israel; God does not need the money that
we drop in the offering place. All the
animals on the planet and all the money in our pockets already belongs in its entirety
to God. Our offerings do not make Him
richer or more powerful than He already is.
It is foolishness for us to think that He is in need of anything or that
He is impressed by our generosity. What
does please God is when we come to the realization that He does not need us but
that it is really us who needs Him. When
we are thankful to God for His wonderful provisions, keep our promises to Him
and when we cry out to Him because we recognize our need of Him; then He is
pleased. He responds to our faith by
delivering us from our sin and He is glorified in all of this.
THANKSGIVING AND OBEDIENCE: God also has standards by which He will judge the rebellious
and wicked men of the earth. These men
only speak of the Law of God in their mouth but it has no impact on their
hearts or their actions. In reality,
they take pleasure in all kinds of sin.
They keep company with thieves.
Their mouths are full of evil and gossip. They are rebellious and disrespectful and God
has kept silence in all of this.
However, that silence must not be confused with indifference. God will, one day, call all these men to
account before Him and there will be no one to deliver them from His
wrath. They will torn apart and cast
into eternal darkness. However, there is
hope. God has sent Jesus Christ as our
deliverer. He offers salvation to the
worst of sinners. God is glorified when
sinners recognize their need of a Savior and they place their faith in
Christ. God is glorified when we are
thankful for the salvation that he offers and the gifts He gives. We demonstrate this gratitude in the way that
we order our lives under the authority of His Word.
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