Psalm 45:1-17

Not everything will remain as it was and is.  There is a day that is coming when the world in which we live and the people of the earth will change in a very radical way.  We live in a world where God is mocked and Jesus is used as a swear word as much or more than it is used in prayer or worship.  These days will not last forever.  There is a change coming to this planet in which Jesus will be worshiped by all the nations of the world.  This Psalm looks forward to that wonderful day when Christ returns to the earth as King and establishes His throne forever and ever.  It may seem that this day is very far away, but it is most definitely coming and it will be a very glorious day.  We must learn to live in light of that day today.

JESUS WILL BE A VICTORIOUS WARRIOR: The first time that Jesus came to this earth; He came as a small baby, He was persecuted, criticized, misunderstood and eventually crucified by the nation to whom He had revealed Himself the most.  This will not be the case when Christ returns to this earth.  At His second coming, Jesus will come as a warrior that will be victorious over all of the nations of the world.  He will come with a sword and arrows that will puncture the hearts of men who have no fear of God.  All the enemies of God will be vanquished and Jesus will stand victorious over every nation on the face of the earth.  No matter how difficult things may get on the earth, we must remember that the day of Christ’s return is coming.  We do not know when, but we do know that He is coming and we know how He is coming.  He will come as a victorious warrior.

JESUS WILL BE A WORSHIPED KING: Jesus will assume His rightful place on the throne that has been promised to Him.  Jesus was a descendant of David and God promised that David would always have a descendant upon the throne.  Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise.  Jesus will reign as God and King over all the nations of the world.  His chosen people, Israel will be in His presence arrayed in splendor and freely worshiping her King.  All of the nations of the world will bow in His presence and He will receive honor and praise from the mouths of every person on the planet.  The glory of Jesus will be our greatest joy as we worship His holy name.  No matter how proud the people of the earth may become in our day; the Day of the Lord is coming where every knee will bow and every tongue will sing praise and worship to the King of kings and Lord of lords.  We must live in light of that Day today. 


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