Psalm 64:1-10

The Lord hears our prayers and is able to deliver us from the most difficult of circumstances.  Men may plot evil and think that they can get away with it, but that is not true.  God sees everything and He is able to judge according to His righteousness.  There may be times in our lives when it looks like things are out of control.  When that happens we must be faithful to call out to the Lord and know that He will take care of us and that He will take care of them as well. 

EVIL MEN WILL BOAST OF THEIR SUCCESS: David had many enemies and was often literally surrounded by them.  He did the only thing he could do in such a situation; he cried out to the Lord for help.  These evil men would attack with their words, the make up lies and plot all kinds of injustice.  The biggest problem is that their efforts may be greatly successful at first and they can become very confident in their malicious gossip and dishonesty.  This gives them even more confidence and boldness and they begin to think that they are getting away with their sin and deceit.  They convince themselves that nobody is looking and the nobody knows what they are doing.  They are only fooling themselves.

EVIL MEN WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE: The reality is that God will one day bring a sudden end to all of this wickedness.  Like an arrow shot from a bow, God’s justice will sneak up on them silently but surely and when that happens they will find themselves completely cut off and will find themselves in ruin.  All of their false words will be used against them in God’s court of law that is completely holy and just.  They who used to boast of great things will find themselves the subject of pity and scorn from all of man.  God will use them as an illustration of His power and the will be an object lesson that will make it very clear to all the importance of fearing the Lord at all times.  


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