Psalm 57:1-11

God’s glory must be the priority of our lives.  God’s glory is the priority of all of heaven and earth.  God’s glory must be the burning passion of our lives and the focus of all that we do.  It is easy for us to allow the circumstances of our lives to distract us from the primary task that the Lord has given us.  David writes this Psalm while he is hiding in a cave while the army of an entire nation is after him.  However, despite David’s discomfort and the dangers that he faced every day, his focus was on worship and his greatest desire was that God’s name be exalted and His glory be revealed in all of heaven and earth.  No matter what is on our agendas on any given day, our primordial task is to exalt the name of the Lord.

WE GLORIFY GOD BY PRAYING TO HIM FOR MERCY AND PROTECTION: We must always remember that this life is too difficult for us to handle on our own.  It is easy for us to be tempted in our own pride to think that we can face whatever may come our way.  This is both sinful and stupid.  Apart from God we can do nothing and it is important that we recognize this on a regular basis.  Prayer is the means by which we make our declaration of dependence on the Lord.  We need His mercy and His protection.  It is not something that we deserve and we must never demand these gifts from God but we must recognize our desperate need of these gifts.  Through prayer we cuddle up under the protective wings of our Father and we rest in His abundant mercy and grace.

WE GLORIFY GOD BY PRAISING HIM FOR HIS LOVE AND PROVISION: We will likely find ourselves surrounded by evil men with sharp swords and sharper tongues that want to destroy us in every way that they can.  These dangers must not distract us from our real job of praising the Lord.  Our comfort and security can never become more important than the glory of God in the nations.  No matter what circumstances we face, we must lift up our voices and grab every kind of instrument at our disposal and fill the earth with the praise of our God.  We must be thankful for his steadfast love and we must rejoice in his abundant provision.  The songs of our mouths and the melody of our instruments should blanket the globe so that all men everywhere might have the pleasure of praising God for His love and faithfulness.


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