Psalm 58:1-11

Judgment is one of the things that we fear and dislike the most in the world.  We fear being misjudged by the courts or by other people who jump to conclusions about us that are simply not true.  Too often in the world we see evil people who are untouched by the justice system while good men are being condemned.  The basic purpose of human government is to punish evil and promote good.  However, when those responsibilities are inverted and the people in charge begin to punish good while promoting evil it can become easy for us to be fearful.  We can rest assured that there is a just Judge in heaven that is well aware of all the events of the earth and He will make all things right in the end.

THE WICKED REJOICE IN THAT WHICH IS WRONG: Wicked men will do according to that which is in their hearts.  They are evil and they approve of evil things.  They will scheme of ways to hurt all that is good and pure because it is convicting to them.  They are violent, dishonest and spew out poison from their mouths.  Perhaps what is worse yet is that they are deaf in the sense that they refuse to listen to reason and turn away from God and His Word.  All men apart from Christ are born in wickedness, live in wickedness and will die in wickedness.

THE RIGHTEOUS REJOICE IN THAT WHICH IS RIGHT: God stands in stark contrast to the wicked because He is always holy, just and true in His judgments.  He will stand up to the wicked and destroy them.  Their teeth will be removed from their mouths so that they so longer have any power on the earth.  They will be powerless to stand before God and simply melt away like a snail when salt is poured on it.  God’s righteous judgment is coming before we know it so we must learn to wait patiently for it.  God will one day set all things right and evil will be punished while the righteous will rejoice in their reward.


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