Psalm 47:1-9

Praising God is a part of what we were made to do.  Praise is a vital part of our worship that should flow from grateful hearts for the wonderful works that God has done.  There are many ways that we should praise the Lord.  We can clap our hands, shout with our lungs, dance with our feet, use instruments and raise our voices in song; just to name a few.  All the creativity that God has granted us should be put to use as a means of praising the Lord.  Some people can clap faster, shout louder, dance more beautifully, play more skillfully and sing more on tune than others.  However, the quality of our praise from man’s perspective matters very little to God as long as it comes from a sincere heart that is truly praising the Lord.  Praise should never be about what we can do but always be about what God has done.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE WE FEAR HIS POWER: There is no power that can compare to the power of God.  All the armies of all the nations would not stand a chance if they were to unite to fight against God.  His power is limitless and there is not adversary who can stand against Him.  The amazing thing is that He has used all that power to deliver His children and destroy the nations that were enemies of His children.  All of this power should fill our hearts with fear.  That does not mean that we should be terrified of God.  It means that we should stand in awe of Him, reverence Him and love Him.  Terror will cause us to flee from God while true fear will draw us closer to God.  When we fear God correctly we will be amazed at His power and we will use every member of our body to praise Him.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE WE FEEL HIS PROTECTION: This earth has many kings but it only has one King.  God is the King of kings, the Lord of lords and He sits on the throne of the universe.  All of the nations of the earth are under His holy reign.  His children are able to gather in peace for the purpose of worship because God protects His children from all those who would harm or hurt.  God has surrounded us with the shield of His protection and nothing can harm us without His consent.  God is above all men and over all circumstances.  We need not fear any foe or fret about any circumstance because God’s protection is always with us.  This truth should fill our hearts with peace, gratitude and love that spills out of every part of our body in the form of praise.  When we feel God’s protection surrounding us; that safe space that He creates for us should echo with sound of our praise.


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