Psalm 56:1-13

Fear can be one of the most crippling emotions that we face in our lives.  We live in a dangerous world where many bad things can happen to us.  There are evil men who can bring harm to us.  There are natural disasters that can destroy all of our possessions and even take our lives.  Illness and accidents are realities that are often beyond our control.  When we look at all that could happen, we can easily be overcome with fear.  However, God does not want us to live in fear of men or the circumstances of life.  He loves us and He wants us to trust in Him and be thankful to Him so that we can enjoy our lives on this dangerous earth in way that brings glory to Him and comfort to us.  The key is simply trusting that the Lord is truly in control of all that may happen in our lives.  We must learn to fight our fears with faith.

OUR ENEMIES WILL THREATEN: The reality of the treats that we face in life is undeniable.  Men will try to trample us down in order to improve their own position.  People will oppress us, attack us and plot all kinds of evil against us.  Evil lurks around every corner and there is very little that we can do to change that reality.  We face danger all day every day that we are on the earth.  David knew what it was to be in danger.  When he pens these words he is fleeing from his own father-in-law who is also the king of his nation.  The problem is that he is fleeing to the land of his enemies with whom he has been waging war for many years.  Were David to focus on his fears he would have been paralyzed and gripped with panic.  That is Satan’s goal with fear; to render God’s children useless because they are overcome with fear.

OUR GOD IS THOUGHTFUL: God has a much better way for us to live and He wants us to be aware of His control in all of these situations.  The dangers of life are a reality, but they are a reality about which God is acutely aware.  He knows all of the circumstances of life.  He is in control of all that happens.  His power is without limits and He loves us dearly.  There is no point in denying the reality of the dangers that we face.  However, we must never forget or ignore the reality of God’s power, control and His love.  God sees everything that we face and He cares deeply for us.  David says that His concern for us is so great that He saves up all of our tears in a bottle.  The point is that no matter how much danger we face; God knows, cares and is able to deliver us.  We do not and should not face our fears alone.

OUR HEARTS MUST BE THANKFUL: When we compare the reality of our threats with the immensity of God’s thoughtfulness for us our hearts should overflow with thanksgiving.  We really can trust God to rescue and deliver us.  He can protect us in the most difficult of circumstances.  He will judge those who practice violence and evil.  When we are afraid we must learn to trust in the Lord.  Our panic should be replaced with praise because we realize that God is ultimately in control and that He loves us with an everlasting love.  Men cannot do anything to us without passing through God’s control.  Perhaps the greatest weapon that God gives us with which we can be victorious over our fears is thankfulness.  When we give thanks we are remembering God’s provision of the past.  God’s faithfulness yesterday should give us great hope and faith for what He will do today and tomorrow.


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