Psalm 104:1-35

There are a lot of reasons that we should praise the Lord and worship His greatness.  He is so high about us and all that exists was planned by Him for His glory and praise.  All that is in the earth, all that is above it; and all beings both on and around the earth were created for the purpose of praising God.  His glory is the purpose of all that was made.  The universe is like a tent that God rolls out and all of the angels live to do as He instructs them to.  Unfortunately, man stands apart from the rest of creation and often lives in rebellion against God and does not give Him the praise that He rightly deserves.  We are the one exception in the universe because we rebel against the purpose for which we were made.  This also gives us a unique ability to glorify Him in a greater way than all the rest of creation.  That is why we must constantly remind ourselves to praise and worship the Lord.

WE MUST PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS CREATIVE POWER: God spoke the entire world into existence.  He set the mountains and the valleys in their place.  He made the stars, the sun the moon and placed them in perfect order so that they all work together in perfect harmony.  The seas and the land are in their respective places so that they cooperate together and bring praise and honor to God.  The glory of creation reveals the absolute power of God and His awesome ability to do just as He pleases.  His wisdom, creativity, might, originality and sovereign control are all clearly revealed by the world that He has created.  Whenever we admire the world that the Lord has made it should fill us with awe and motivate us to praise Him all that His creation declares and reveals about Him.

WE MUST PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS CAREFUL PROVISION: God made the creation to work in such a way that all of the different parts of creation depend upon and benefit from one another.  God carefully provides all of the water that is necessary in order to make plants grown and trees reproduce so that there is plenty for the animals and men to eat.  God gives shelter for all of His creation, water to drink and all that is necessary to sustain life.  God even seas to it that there are proper seasons for the land to be able to refresh and restore itself.  He also organized the passage of time so that there is a proper balance of light and darkness to meet the needs of all of His creation.  God gives us time to work as well as time to rest.  All of these provisions come from Him and they should inspire us to worship Him for all that He has done.

WE MUST PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS CONSTANT PREEMINENCE: God did not just create the world and then make provision for the earth and its inhabitants; He continues to reign over the earth as its preeminent King.  He controls the circumstances that we face.  He is the absolute ruler of all of nature as well as all of mankind.  He stands as sovereign over all that is and He will judge all according to His will and Word.  When He breathes life there is life and when He takes away life there is death.  All things are under His control and will be done according to His desire and design.  Our job is to recognize this truth and live accordingly.  Our time and efforts should be dedicated to bringing honor, glory and praise to the Lord God who created us, provides for us and reigns eternally over us.


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