Psalm 115:1-18

The name of God is to be glorified in all the earth and throughout all of the heavens.  We are not to try to compete with God for the glory that should belong solely to Him.  Unfortunately there are many who do not know God or have turned from their knowledge of God in order to bring honor and glory to themselves.  Even more unfortunately, many men who do know much about God rebel against their responsibility of glorifying God to run after that which pleases them.  The priority of our lives must first of all be to seek to know God deeply, then dedicate our lives to bringing glory to Him and then finally to take the message of God to the nations of the world.  We are responsible to worship the Lord and then to proclaim the message of worship to all the nations of the World.  This is God’s purpose for each one of our lives.

THE FALSE IDOLS OF MEN ARE UNWORTHY: Since men were made by God to worship; all men do worship.  The crux of this issue is whom or what do we worship.  Since men worship by their very nature; they will constantly fashion idols so that they can do what they were made to do: worship.  The problem is that the idols of men are powerless and are completely unworthy of our worship, praise or trust.  The idols of men are all fashioned after that which was created.  Generally men make idols after their own image so, in many senses, idolatry is the worship of self.  These images or objects may have the anatomy of men but none of the parts function.  Their hands do not move, their mouth does not speak and their ears do not hear.  These are worthless images that have no ability to help or even respond to the worship of man in any way.

THE TRUE GOD OF ISRAEL IS TRUST WORTHY: In contrast to the useless idols of men we have the one and only God of the Universe.  God is our helper and shield.  He has blessed us with physical and spiritual blessings.  He is the creator and sustainer of all.  Our job, then, is to trust Him, praise Him, worship Him and live for His honor and glory.  It is foolish for us to trust in ourselves and even more foolish to trust in the things that we have made.  The best and only true option that we have is to trust the Lord, worship the Lord and seek His blessings for our lives.  All that exists belong to the Lord and is responsible to fulfill the purpose for which it was created.  God has called us to this end and we must live for this eternal purpose.


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