Psalm 119:40-48

Loving God’s Word is an essential part of being able to live in way that is pleasing to Him.  God calls us be obedient to God’s Word, but His desire is that we go far beyond a grudging obedience to Him because we “have to” and begin to delight in following Him because it is the desire and passion of our hearts.  When we begin to understand the benefits of God’s Word to our lives it should draw us into a deep love for the Word.  If we truly love God, the Love of God’s Word should be the most natural thing in the world for us.

WHAT LOVING GOD’S WORD WILL DO IN OUR LIVES: One of the greatest motivating factors for loving God’s Word is the impact that it has on our lives.  God’s Word is our source of salvations; it teaches us how we can be saved from sin.  The Bible gives us answers to those who seek our harm or scoff at our faith.  We can have complete confidence in the truths of God’s Word.  The Scriptures are a genuine source of hope in our lives, no matter how difficult our circumstances might be; if we love God’s Word we will be anchored to an everlasting hope that will warm our hearts.  God’s Word will open up countless opportunities in our lives and facilitate our relationships with the most important of leaders.  God’s Word is truly a source of great joy and should fill our hearts with love.

HOW LOVING GOD’S WORD IS DEMONSTRATED IN OUR LIVES: We demonstrate our love to one another through our attitudes and actions.  Loving God’s Word is no different from that.  If we truly love God’s Word we will be quick to obey it, trust it and will have a burning desire to spend time in it.  When we love God’s Word we will be constantly talking about it wherever we go.  Our hearts will find great delight it following God’s Word.  Our bodies will be directed by the instructions of God’s Word.  Our lives will be dedicated to worshiping God if we love God’s Word.  Our thoughts will constantly focus on the truths that we find in God’s Word.  Our love for God and His Word will always be in direct proportion of these evidences in our lives.


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