Psalm 118:1-29

This Psalm is an anthem of worship to the Lord.  It is a call of all of us to trust and praise the Lord for who He is and what He has done.  It is important that we regularly remind ourselves of the truth that God is over us and in full control of the events that surround us.  We can trust Him to do what is right and know that He has the ability to accomplish His will in the history of the world.  God’s love is limitless and so is His power over all of us.  It is foolish for us to rely upon ourselves or on others.  We must trust God and be assured that He is ready, willing and able to defend and provide for those fear Him

WE TRUST GOD BECAUSE HE IS MERCIFUL: The mercy and love of the Lord endures forever.  All who have lived in a close relationship to the Lord can attest to the truth of that statement.  We have all experienced the reality of God’s mercy and love.  All of us deserve death and condemnation for our sin; but God treats us with love and mercy.  When we are in distress we can call upon the Lord and He hears us and responds.  He is completely worthy of our trust and we should place full confidence in Him over and above any trust that we have in men.  No matter how close men are to us our how powerful other men may be; they still do not compare to the Lord.  When we are oppressed and in grave danger we can trust in the Lord and have confidence that He will be merciful to us and that He loves us very deeply.  He is our only hope for salvation and He should be the source of great rejoicing in our lives.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE IS POWERFUL: God’s power is great and valiant.  There is nobody who can stand against Him and win.  He is high above all who would oppose Him and all who might threaten His children.  His desire is that we be able to live the praise and honor of His glorious name.  He may allow us to be disciplined for our own good, but that is not because He is lacks the power to protect us.  He provision and protection are constant in our lives and should cause us to praise Him fully.  We are called to give thanks to the Lord and to praise His name but it should come naturally to us, considering the strength and might of His holy and glorious name.  The world may reject Him and scoff at Him but He is the foundation on which the world has been built and all who oppose Him will be crushed.  We can either praise Him as we were created to do or be crushed by Him.  Certainly, it is far preferable for us to join the voices of those who have been redeemed by Him and praise the blessed name of the Lord.


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