Psalm 119:25-32

Humility is an important prerequisite to being able to make full use of the Word of God in our lives.  As long as we consider ourselves to be just fine the way that we are we will not open our hearts to the Lord and we will not be submissive to the Word of God.  It is vital that we humble ourselves before the Lord and then dedicate ourselves to following the Lord in all that we say and do.   We desperately need God’s Word to instruct us, we need to have a clear understanding of God’s Word and then we need to be faithful to obey God’s Word.  None of this will happen apart from a humble spirit before God.

RECOGNIZE OUR SIN AND RECEIVE THE SCRIPTURES: None of us like to admit that we are wrong or that we are in need of something.  However the first step to being able to please the Lord is to recognize our desperate and sinful condition before the Lord.  We are dead in our sin and our hearts cling to the sin that is killing and condemning us.  The Psalmist uses the expression of his soul clinging to dust.  Sin clings to us but the truth is that we often cling to sin. We need God to impart spiritual life to us through His Word.  As long as we deny this condition of death or pretend that it is not as serious as God’s Word says it is we will continue in the grip of death.  If we will stop rationalizing sin and confess our sin to the Lord; humbly admit that we lost; God will impart life to us through the truths of His Word.  We must readily receive the truth of God’s Word and reject the false teaching of the world and our own minds.  Our hearts must cry out for instruction from God’s Word.

DESIRE GOD’S WORD AND DO GOD’S WILL: God cares very much about the desires of our hearts.  We must constantly evaluate our motives and true desires.  The last three verses of this section have and interesting progression of time.  The Psalmist starts out by looking at the past and says that he has chosen the way of faithfulness.  He then looks at the present and states that he is clinging to the testimonies of the Lord.  Finally he looks to the future and promises that He will run in the way of God’s commandments.  The point is that if we truly want God’s best in our lives we must have a desire to know God’s Word and then dedicate ourselves to doing that which we know.  This must be a constant aspect of our lives, past, present and future.  The result of this commitment is that we will constantly be reminded of God’s Word, we will not be put to shame and the Lord will enlarge our hearts so that we continue down the delightful paths of obedience.  God’s goal in our lives is to transform our hearts and He has the ability to do exactly that.  We must humbly admit our need of this transformation and then dedicate ourselves to God’s Word so that it might be made a reality in our lives. 


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