Psalm 119:33-40

We need to recognize that we are in need of God to teach us and give us understanding of His Word and how we are to live out His Word in our daily lives.  All of us have a natural bent towards sin and we tend to go through life following the inclinations of our own hearts and doing things as we think they should be done.  This is a very dangerous practice.  We must be aware of the dangers that lurk in our hearts and call out to the Lord for instruction and help so that we will live our lives according to His design and desire and not our own.  This will not happen by natural process.  It will only take place as we intentionally seek for God to instruct and guide us through His Word.  There are two requests that we should constantly ask God to grant us.

WE MUST ASK GOD TO TEACH US: We do not naturally know the ways of God.  We need to be taught about both who He is as well as what He requires of us.  God’s ways are far different from our ways so we are in constant need of instruction from Him.  So many of our problems stem from us trying to live our lives according to our own thought process and pattern of life.  We need to actively seek God and His will within His Word.  We need to cry out to God to teach us.  The more we learn about God and His ways; the more we begin to realize that He is above our understanding.  We need to ask Him to help us grow in our understanding of His will and ways.  Out ways and God’s ways are often diametrically opposed to one another.  If we follow our own hearts instead of His Word and instruction we will find ourselves in great trouble.

WE MUST ASK GOD TO TRANSFORM US: Once we know and understand God’s Word and His will for our lives; the battle has really only just begun.  Knowing God’s Word and obeying God’s Word can often be two very different things.  We must recognize the fact that we will not just naturally submit to and follow the Word of God.  We, by nature, are selfish and are very attracted to worthless things.  We must ask God to transform our hearts so that we will be inclined to obey Him, love Him and fear Him.  We need for Him to change us from the inside out so that we will truly delight in Him and His Word.  We will not naturally hunger, thirst and long for the Lord in our lives.  However, He is all powerful and will graciously transform us so that we can experience the joy of knowing and obeying Him.


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