Psalm 108:1-13

Everybody has a job to do.  God created all of us with a purpose in mind and He desires that we fulfill that purpose to the best of our ability.  God’s purpose for us is that we should praise Him.  God has also promised to do His job; which He always does to perfection.  God’s promise to us is that He will provide for and protect us. The problem is when we stop doing our job or do our job halfheartedly because we question or doubt if God is doing His job.  We must set our hearts against this tendency.  We must recognize that God never fails to do exactly as He has promised to do even when we do not understand His ways or His thinking.  It is not our job to question how God does His job.  It is our job to praise the Lord because we trust that God is doing His job to perfection.

WE PRAISE GOD VIGOROUSLY: David said that he set his heart steadfastly before the Lord to praise God with all of his being.  His promise was to lift his voice to the Lord in praise, to use all the instruments he had in order to praise the Lord.  We are to praise the name of God on this earth and spread His praise to all the nations of the earth.  He is faithful and we are to exalt His name wherever we go and purposefully spread the fame of His name to the end of the earth.  It is our job to admire all that God does.  He loves us fully and He is faithful to all that He has promised.  He saves us from our sin and He provides all that we need.  This fact should fill our hearts with praise and thanksgiving.

GOD DEFENDS US VALIANTLY: God rules over all the nations of the world.  He controls all of the circumstances of our lives.  He is constantly working to make sure that we are never tempted or tried above the strength that He provides for us to be able to withstand it.  It is folly to trust in ourselves or in other men.  Our trust should be deposited fully and completely on the Lord and we should be comforted by the fact that He is valiantly defending us from every form of evil that lurks around us.  God truly is great and as we trust in Him and depend upon Him; He equips us to face whatever challenges this life might bring us.


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