Psalm 119:17-24

God’s Word brings great benefits to those who know and obey it.  It is definitely worth it to pay close attention to God’s Word and then walk in obedience.  Those who choose to ignore God’s Word or live in rebellion against God’s Word will pay a very steep price for their disobedience.  It is a blessing to have the Word of God revealed to us so that we might know how to honor God and live a life that is pleasing to Him as well as gratifying for us.  Without God’s Word we would be adrift on the seas of relativity that has swamped our current culture.  God has taken care to reveal Himself to us and we would do well to heed that revelation.

OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD BRINGS REWARD: God loves to grant rewards and wants to be known and trusted as a “rewarder” of all who seek Him.  Obedience brings rewards into our lives and God’s rewards facilitate our obedience.  The lives of believer should regularly experience this circle of blessing that stems from submission to God and His word.  We must seek to have our eyes constantly open to the Word and a heart ready to obey it.  Out time on the earth is very limited in comparison with eternity but the temporal is much easier for us to see than the eternal.  We should diligently ask for God to fill our hearts with a longing and remembrance of God’s Word so that we might experience the wonderful rewards that He offers.

DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD’S WORD BRINGS REBUKE:  Those who refuse to obey God and live in rebellion against Him will suffer rebuke from the Lord.  Punishment and scorn from the hand of God are the experience of all who will not follow God and all the He has revealed in His Word.  No matter how powerful men may be, if they are not committed to following the Word of God, they will experience rebuke, confusion and eventual defeat.  We must seek our counsel from the Lord and not allow ourselves to be distracted by those who refuse to do so.  God’s Word must by our constant source of delight and joy.


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