Psalm 117:1-2

God calls us and all the nations of the earth to praise Him.  God desires to be praised and to have His name exalted though out all the earth that He has created.  He desires to be praised and exalted by all the people of the earth.  Every man, woman and child; every nation, tribe and tongue is designed by God for the purpose of praising the Lord.  The question that we must answer is if we are being faithful to fulfill this purpose.  This brief Psalm gives us two clear reasons as to why we must praise the Lord.

GOD’S LOVE IS SURE: There is one thing about which we can be sure: the great love of God.  He has a love for us that goes beyond any love that we could give or any other love that we have experienced.  We cannot explain why God loves us and do not fully understand how God loves us; but God most certainly does love us in profound way.  We are called to respond to God’s love by praising Him for His great and abundant love.

GOD’S FAITHFULNESS ENDURES: The other truth in which we can rest is that God’s faithfulness will endure for all of eternity.  God is always faithful, He has never been unfaithful at any moment in all of eternity and He never will be.  Every single one of His promises will be kept.  He will never change.  No matter how unfaithful we might be; God cannot be unfaithful.  We can trust Him completely and must praise Him for His faithfulness to us and to all people through every generation.


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