Psalm 112:1-10

Our actions and choices have consequences.  We have often considered the negative consequences of these choices, but there are also many positive consequences that are related to the choices that we make in life.  I believe that one of Satan’s most effective tools is to tempt us to focus on God’s punishment for disobedience and forget the rewards for obedience.  The truth is that there are great and glorious rewards promised to those who fear and obey the Lord.  While we should not ignore the negative consequences of sin; we must regularly remind ourselves of the promise of God that assure us of the positive consequences of obedience.  God is a glorious giver of gifts and a Father who delights to lavish His love on His children who walk in the light of His Word.

THE REWARD OF THE OBEDIENT IS ENJOYMENT: God delights in granting pleasures to His children.  Satan often paints a picture of God being a kill joy.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  God loves to see His children rejoicing and living their lives with pleasure.  Obeying God’s commands should be our delight.  Obedience produces wealth as well as healthy and happy relationships with others.  God is interested in our well-being and His commands are designed to help us live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him as well as enjoyable to us.  We must reject the mentality that we are in some way making sacrifices when we obey God.  Obedience is a great source of blessing and joy that is our pleasure to enjoy.

THE REWARD OF THE OBEDIENT IS ENDURANCE: The pleasures offered by sin are always short lived and always leave us empty.  The pleasures and rewards of obeying God endure for all of eternity.  There are immediate rewards to obedience such as our lives going well, but the true glory of a life of obedience is the eternal reward promised by God to all who love, fear and obey Him.  He has promised that those who obey will be remembered forever.  Even in the face of bad news we have this eternal comfort as we are able to trust the Lord with our eternal future.  In the end we know that the victory belongs to the Lord and we will be able to share in the joys of that victory which will endure for all of eternity.


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