Psalm 113:1-9

We are called to praise the Lord.  The greatness of the Lord should always be on our lips.  He should be the subject of our public conversations as well as our private meditations.  God is certainly worthy of our praise; the amazing thing is that He desires our praise.  We are the ones who are not worthy of praising Him; and yet by His loving kindness He gives us the honor of living to praise Him.  Praising God should be our greatest honor and most delightful pleasure.  There are countless reasons that we should praise the Lord, but this Psalm points out two of the most prominent of them.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE IS GLORIOUS: We praise that which is extraordinary, and God is very extraordinary.  God is glorious and is always worthy of our praise.  We are His servants and He has given us the task of using all of our skills to praise Him.  This will be our task not only for the time that we live on the earth, but will occupy our time and be the focus of our efforts for all of eternity.  We are to fill each moment of every day with the praise of the Lord.  He is over us and He is over all the nations of the world.  His glory reaches to the greatest heights of the heavens and nobody can compare to Him.  It is a great honor to know God since He has revealed Himself to us.  It is an even greater honor to be given the task of praising His glorious name.

WE PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE IS GRACIOUS: God’s graciousness is evident in His dealings with each and every one of us.  He is exalted so far above us, yet He lovingly cares and provides for us.  That is grace.  We do not deserve this blessed favor but He is faithful to give it to us.  He sees our sinful state and He makes provision for us through the Lord Jesus Christ.  We were dead and He made us alive.  We were wallowing in the mud and slime of our sin and He washed us in the blood of the Lamb.  We were far from Him and He raised us up to be sons and daughters of the King.  We were worthless and homeless vagrants and He has made us productive citizens of heaven.  His grace is abundant and glorious and should fill our hearts with joyful praise every moment of every day.


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