Luke 1:1-45

Well, we have made it through to Luke and the first thing I notice is that Luke has some really long chapters. Luke gives us a new perspective on the life of Christ and I am looking forward to going over it again from a fresh point of view. Luke gives us more background information than either Matthew or Mark. I would like look at the announcements made to Zechariah and Mary. It is interesting to see how much they both have in common.

WHEN THE MESSAGE WAS GIVEN: Both messages were delivered by Gabriel at a time when neither of them were expecting anything and were just going about their daily business. In a short moment the direction of their lives were radically transformed. I think it is important that we realize that amazing things often take place in our lives during times that we least expect it. It makes me think of the rapture and how at any moment God could step in and just change everything. We must always be ready for God to bring something new into our lives or take us home.

THE INITIAL RESPONSE: Can you imagine what it would be like to walk into your kitchen or office and see Gabriel standing there? Zechariah and Mary both responded in fear and I think that is as it should be. Angels are not divine, but they are divine messengers. It bothers me when people claim to have flippant encounters with angels. I think that when we stand before Christ for the first time that we will know about this type of fear. The great thing about that is that we will hear the same thing they did: "fear not." Because of what Christ has done for us on the cross we do not need to fear our Lord for we have been forgiven.

THE MESSAGE: Both of them were told that they would have a divinely appointed child. This was an astounding message for both of them because of Zechariah's and Elizabeth's age and for Mary because of her virginity. This seems to be the way that God works when He is about to do something amazing. Remember Abraham and Sarah? God was up to something very special now. John would be filled with the Spirit in the womb and Jesus is the Son of God. John would turn the sons of Israel to God. Jesus would save men from their sin. John would prepare the way for Christ. Jesus would reign on the throne of David without end. These babies would change the world and we are called to do the same.

THE REACTION: Zechariah asked for a sign and Mary asked for an explanation. Both of them got their wish. Zechariah's sign was that he was made mute and Mary was told how the Holy Spirit would bring this all about. Both of them went on their way in amazement and were available for what God choose to do in their lives. God does not require perfection from His instruments, He is in the business of perfecting men. What God is looking for in our lives is availability. Doubting has consequences in our lives, but God is big enough to deal with our doubts and fears and praise the Lord, He still uses us.

THE MEETING: The first meeting of John and Jesus happens when they are still in the womb. If there was ever a biblical argument for the pro life position, this is it. John was filled with the Spirit in the womb and was able to respond to the presence of Christ prior to his birth. Elizabeth too is filled with the Spirit and immediately knows and declares the blessedness of Mary for being chosen to be the mother of Messiah. Christ is the priority in the scene and He must remain the priority in our lives as well. John, Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth and all of us are mere men for whom Christ came and died. His birth was like no other. His life was without sin. His death was in our place. His resurrection is our hope. Christ is the source of eternal life.


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