Luke 2:1-52

From the very beginning, the life of Christ was unique in every way. I find myself wondering how Joseph and Mary took all of this in as they experienced this amazing plan of God all along the way. This chapter gives us new details about the first twelve years in the life of Jesus. There are three things that stood out to me as I read these verses again.

HIS BIRTH WAS ACCOMPANIED BY EXALTATION: The place of Christ's birth, in a stable with a manger for a crib, is one of those scenes that we have all grown used to from countless Christmas pageants. I am sure that it was not as big a stretch in that time and culture as it is in ours, but I still think that Mary was not comfortable as she had hoped for the birth of her first child. The actual birth of Christ was in the most humble circumstances imaginable, but heaven could not remain silent for this event. The unsuspecting shepherds were treated to an angelic concert as heavens blazed with light and the notes echoed off the sides of the hills. The message was that a Savior had been born. Watching the sheep was no longer their priority, they wanted to see Him who could save them from their sin. When they found the couple and Jesus they told the story of what they had seen. Joseph and Mary must have thought: "that's more like it." The point is that when our Savior came into this world for the first time the sky lit up and the angels sang as they exalted at the birth of Christ. I cannot help but think of how that initial local concert will pale in comparison to the sights and sounds of Christ's return.

HIS INFANCY WAS ACCOMPANIED BY EXPECTATION: Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple for His presentation. I doubt that they expected what transpired. They run into Simeon and Anna. Simeon had been told that he would see Messiah prior to his death and now he says he can die in peace because he had seen the long awaited One. Anna had been married a short time and then a widow for a very long time and invested her life in serving in the temple. Both of their lives were lived in a constant expectation of the arrival of the promised Messiah. They knew the promises and lived in light of them. We are called to do the same. We have the promise of Christ's return and His kingdom. This truth ought to be the greatest expectation in our lives and must impact the way we live. We must not allow the affairs of this earth to distract us from our anticipation of Christ's return and all that entails for our lives and eternal hope. May we live in constant expectation of His return as Simeon and Anna did for His birth.

HIS CHILDHOOD WAS ACCOMPANIED BY EXPLANATION: The story of Jesus being "forgotten" in the temple is every child's and every parent's worst nightmare. I remember waking up in an empty church one Sunday night. I also remember being separated from a child in a K-Mart and an airport. There are few feelings worse than the panic of those moments and few feelings as good as being reunited. I know that Joseph and Mary can relate with these panic feelings but I don't think Jesus experienced that same fear. Even as a twelve year old boy, He wanted to be in the temple and discuss His Father with the teachers there. I am sure His questions astounded them and may, at times, have confounded them. Jesus needed to explain to His earthly parents that His agenda would be far different than that which they might imagine for their son. Jesus knew of His parents limitations yet still lived in submission to them and in honor of them. We might not always understand the plan of God. It is too marvelous for us to comprehend. God's plan of salvation is too hideous and wonderful at the same time for us to even be able to scratch the surface. I beleive that we will be seeking for explantions on these things for all of eternity.


  1. I remember being very lost on a beach looking for the "coca cola restaurant" - that was one of the scariest moments of my life - what a sharp contrast.


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