Mark 13:1-37

People spend countless hours and huge sums of money in hopes of discovering the future. They do crazy things like look at the stars, cards and crystal balls in hopes that they can figure out what might happen in the days ahead. Investors try to predict the future of financial markets, meteorologists try to predict the weather with limited success. Christ knows the future and in this chapter tell His disciples and us what we can expect as we await His return. His return can cause a lot of different reactions, but this is Christ's advice.

DON'T BE DISTRESSED BY SIGNS: Christ told His disciples that there would be wars and natural disasters but that these should not fool us into thinking that this is the end. It seems that any time that there is an earth quake or a war, many Christians become anxious and start making predictions about Christ's return. As long as we live under the curse of sin we will experience wars and disasters. We must not let this distress us or cause us to look foolish to the world when we use these events to try to set dates. The return of Christ should be a source of hope for the lives of believers so we should not get worried about the wars and winds that will regularly plague this planet.

DON'T BE DISCOURAGED BY SUFFERING: Christ warns the disciples that as they wait for His return they would face trials. The message of the Gospel will bring division to families and great persecution to those who preach it. The promise of Christ is that the Holy Spirit will be with us to equip us and help us to endure during times of suffering. While we are on earth, there will be many hard times but we must not be discouraged. We don't live for this earth. Our hope is set on Christ's return. Until then, we must be faithful to proclaim Christ, depend on the Spirit and not allow discouragement to rob us of the blessed hope that Christ has given us.

DON'T BE DECEIVED BY SATAN: Satan, the enemy, will become more and more ostentatious as time progresses. He strives to imitate that which Christ has promised so he sends false prophets and false messiahs that try to lead men astray. Satan schemes and tempts in hopes of leading men astray. Unfortunately, he has been very successful. Christ's advice to the disciples and us is to be wise and not get duped. We must not get caught up in the trap of setting dates and of following deceivers we must stand steadfast on the Word of God.

DON'T BE DISTRACTED BY SLEEP: One of the biggest dangers we face concerning Christ's return is to become apathetic while He delays. We do not know when He will come but we do know that He will come. We must not fall asleep but must work diligently to expand the kingdom and bring honor to our Lord as we await His return. This world has much that can easily distract us from the work that God has left us to do. We can easily become hypnotized by the comforts of this world and loose sight of the eternal rewards promised to those who are faithful. May we help one another to stay awake, alert and active as we await His return.


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