Matthew 26:1-75

There is so much in this passage that it is hard to know where to begin. This narrative feels like one of those movies that keeps jumping back and forth from one story line and group of characters to another until they all converge at the end. I have decided to look at this chapter by thinking about what was going in the lives of each of these "cast of characters." For the most part, I am afraid that we will be learning from the mistakes of others, but I guess that is to be preferred above learning from our own failures.

THE PLOTTING OF THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS: These are the clear villains of our story. They are plotting with one another as to how they can destroy Christ. What stands out to me is how they do everything in secret. They are gathering in the corners of rooms, whispering to one another, bribing Judas in a back room, going out to capture Jesus at night and then holding a "shotgun trial" under the cover of darkness. Another interesting thing to note is how they are constantly living in fear. They know that what they are doing is wrong yet they are determined to continue. Their other constant companion is deceit. Since they have no legitimate reason to do away with Christ, so they must rely on false witnesses and their lies. Secrecy is a facilitator of sin. Fear is the companion of sin. Deceit is byproduct of sin. If we choose to live the secret life of sin, fear and deceit will be our constant companions.

THE PREPARING OF THE DISCIPLES: They are the supporting actors of our story. They appear in every scene, have some good moments and a lot of bad moments too. Jesus is preparing them for what He knows lies ahead. He starts out by repeatedly instructing them as to what they are about to witness. He tells them over and over again that He is about to be arrested and crucified and that the time is coming very soon. He also warns them about the impending betrayal as well as their eventual denial of Him. The disciples cannot believe what they are hearing and question as to who the betrayer could be and assure Jesus that none of them would ever deny Him. Christ also seeks to prepare them with prayer just prior to the time of His arrest. They fall asleep. Christ's instructions were met with indifference. Christ's warnings were met with self-confidence. Christ's call to prayer was met with inattentiveness. If we choose ignore Christs instructions and warnings and neglect prayer we are doomed to live in denial of Him.

THE PORTRAYING OF CHRIST: Jesus in the hero of our story. He is the focus of all our attention. We long to see Him come out of all of this victorious, and He will in the sequel. Unfortunately, this episode is a tragedy. What stands out to me in every scene is just how aware He is of all that is going on. He knows about the betrayal of Judas, the denial of the disciples and the plotting of the religious leaders. Nothing takes Him by surprise. My heart aches as I see the portrayal of His grief. He agonizes over the attitudes of His disciples and the evil plan of the religious leaders but He is overwhelmed by grief as He considers the cross and impending separation from the Father. He is about to be tortured physically, emotionally and spiritually at levels that none of us can even imagine and He must face it all alone. The other thing that makes we want to jump in and rewrite the whole scene is Christ's cooperation with this whole thing. We all know that He has the power to make the earth open up and swallow Judas, give the disciples a swift kick in the pants and call down lightning from heaven to be rid of these religious leaders once and for all. I find myself urging Him on: "come on do it, let em have it." He follows the script and silently cooperates with the Fathers painful plan for my redemption. He is fully aware of all that is going on. His heart is filled with agonizing grief as He faces the cross. Yet, He cooperates with the Father because of His inexplicable and undeserved love for you and me.

'Oh my precious Lord Jesus, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" May we all emulate the attitudes and actions of the unknown woman in the scene that bows in adoration before our Savior and pours out her most precious possession at His feet. Feet that would soon be pierced for her forgiveness, yours and mine.


  1. I LOVE this one Dad!!!! exactly what i needed to be reminded of tonight...maybe it's a good thing i'm a little behind ;)


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