Mark 4:1-41

In this chapter we will be looking at soils, seeds and seas. There are valuable lessons to be learned from each of them. Matthew 13 had most of these same teachings but we will look at them from a little different perspective.

THE SEPARATION OF SOILS: The seed is the Word of God and it is sown on a wide variety of soils. The seed is the same, but the results are very different depending on the soils. Three of the soils are productive while three of them are not. Each of the three unproductive soils has a different enemy: birds, the sun and thorns. Jesus uses these illustrations to demonstrate the enemies to the teaching of God's Word. The first enemy is a lack of attention. They hear the Word but they do not understand it and Satan comes and snatches it from their heart. How common is it for us to half heartedly listen to or read the Word of God? The second enemy is affliction. There are those who hear the Word and have a positive emotional response to it but when the difficulties associated with following Christ become evident, they turn from the Word. The third enemy is affection. The world and money can easily capture our affections and choke out the productivity of the Word of God. The productivity of the Word of God in the life of any believer will be proportionate to the attention they pay, the affliction they are willing to face and setting their affections on the things of God. Unfortunately many people who have heard the Gospel remain in their sin because of their lack of attention to the Gospel, their lack of willingness to face affliction because of the Gospel and/or their lack of affection for the Gospel.

THE SUPERNATURAL SEED: Christ illustrates the supernatural power of the Word of God in the lives of men by comparing it to seeds. A farmer knows that a seed will sprout, grow and produce fruit. He has no idea how that really happens. He facilitates the germination and growth by plowing, planting and even fertilizing, but the germination process is nothing that he can bring about, it happens while he sleeps. The small mustard seed grows into a large tree. The Word of God has a supernatural ability to transform the lives of men. We do not know how it happens but by God's grace we know that it happens. If we allow God's Word to take root in our hears it will change us. Our depravity, the desires of our hearts and all our difficulties can be transformed by the power of God's Word.

THE STILLING OF THE SEAS: The disciples fear for their lives due to the strength of the storm. Christ is sleeping in the front of the boat and they allow their fear to cause them to doubt Christ's care. Notice how affliction can render the Word of God ineffective in the lives of men. Also notice the supernatural power of Christ and how at His word the seas are stilled. This same supernatural power is available to all who trust Christ and His Word. During the storms of life that will inevitably crash on the shores of our lives it is a blessing to know that the anchor of God's Word will hold secure.


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