Mark 8:1-38

When we follow Christ, there are things that we must strive to remember and forget. Our problem is that the things we ought to remember, we tend to forget and the things we should forget, we tend to allow to remain in our minds. If we are going to be mature in our walk with Christ, we must discipline our thoughts as well as our desires so we remember and forget in accordance with God's Word.

IT IS EASY TO FORGET WORK OF CHRIST BECAUSE OF OUR HARD HEARTS: The chapter starts with the feeding of four thousand people with seven loves of bread and some fish with seven baskets of food left over. This miraculous event is followed by the Pharisees asking Jesus for a sign. What more do they want? How many signs do they require? Have they so quickly forgotten the multitude of miracles that Christ has performed over and over? Unfortunately, the disciples demonstrate that they too suffer from a hard heart. When Christ warns them not to imitate the sinful attitudes of the Pharisees by using leaven as an illustration, the disciples think that Jesus is upset because they only had one loaf of bread for the entire group. How could they think that Jesus would be concerned about bread shortage when He had just fed 4,000 with 7 loaves? Should not 1 loaf be enough for a dozen? We are so quick to forget the miracles of the past especially in light of current difficulties. How often do we get distressed or fail to trust Christ when circumstances are not to our liking? We forget so quickly about all the countless times that He has provided for us in the past. We forget that He has freely forgiven us. We forget that He has promised to love us. Our forgetfulness of His goodness and grace in our lives leads us to live in doubt, fear, distress and worry. We must discipline our minds to focus on the goodness of God. We must cultivate the habit of remembering the innumerable blessings that God has showered upon us.

IT IS HARD TO FOLLOW THE WILL OF CHRIST BECAUSE OF OUR WORLDLY WAYS: Once again, a miracle of Christ is followed by a questioning of the identity of Jesus. Some saw Him as a great man or another prophet, but the disciples know Him to be the Son of God. This is a very good thing. However, the disciples still hold their desires for fame and the prestige of a kingdom close to their hearts. Affections for the world and the comforts it offers are hard to forget. Christ has repeatedly revealed to His followers that His will on this earth is one of suffering and involves carrying a cross. He wants us to forget the ways of this world and focus on the future glory He has prepared in eternity. That is not easy to do. But, it is what He has called us to do as we follow Him. The world offers comforts and pleasures that constantly tug at our hearts and minds. We must forget these temporary temptations and remind ourselves of the promises of God in our eternal home. In this world we are called to follow Christ and carry a cross. There will be a time when we will be given the honor of wearing a crown but we must not become impatient. We must not except the fading crowns that this world offers and deny the cross of Christ. May God give us the grace to faithully carry His cross today that we might have the joy of receiving a crown from His hand in an eternal tomorrow.


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