Mark 10:1-52

There are three basic truths that jump out at me as I read this passage. They are not entirely related and, in reality, all deserve a post of their own, but time is fleeting and I think that there is value in summary, so we will fly through this chapter and hopefully a few of these truths will stick in our minds. There are things we need to keep doing, stop doing and others that we must start doing. I think that these are key principles that we must keep in mind if we are going to be effective followers of Christ.

STAY COMMITTED TO MARRIAGE: Divorce is a terrible tragedy that God never intended to be a part of marriage. It was permitted because of sin and it's consequences but was never intended to be so. God has planned marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. Due to hard heartedness, the door of divorce was cracked open by Moses. Well, the Pharisees shoved that door open took a mile from the inch that they had been given. Marriage, divorce and remarriage had become common. Jesus slams that door shut by calling this practice adultery and calling them back to God's original plan. Being faithful and committed to our marriages is vital to a life that is pleasing to God. No matter now difficult a marriage may seem, divorce is not a viable solution. Divorce complicates life and usually only serves to compound the problems we had hoped to solve. It is easy to think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But when men jump from the pastures of God's plan for marriage in order to follow man's plan of divorce, they will find that those green grasses are really AstroTurf.

STOP COVETING MONEY: The rich young ruler thought that he had all that he needed in life. He had been a "good man." His parents were proud and I am sure that he was well respected in the community. Christ could see right through this facade and knew that, in his heart, he was in love with his money and himself. The way we use and value money provides a crystal clear window into our hearts. It really does not matter if we have a lot of money or a little bit of money. The issue is how much we love and live for that money. Christ offered this man eternal life, but he loved his money more than he wanted eternal life. Christ does not imply that there is any way that we can earn eternal life by giving away all of our money. His point is that if we value money over eternal life we do not have eternal life. We must set our affections on the eternal and not covet money or what money can buy. Money can provide comfort, power, prestige and pleasure on this earth but it is of no value in eternity, remember that gold is used for asphalt in heaven.

START CARING FOR MEN: This issue of greatness keeps coming up over and over again. The disciples are so excited about the prospect of sitting on thrones in the kingdom that they are deaf to Christ's repeated revelation that He is going to be killed. Jesus keeps calling them back to the principle of loving and serving one another. Power trips are for the unbeliever. Those who will follow Christ must learn to lead in humility and loving service to one another. Christ illustrates His point by interrupting his meeting of the multitudes to heal a blind beggar. The people could not be bothered with such a man but Christ came to serve men like this and calls us to do the same. We often define power by the number of people that are dedicated to meeting our needs or following our orders. Christ defines greatness by our care of others and their needs. We need to stop looking down on others and start lifting others up in love for the glory of God.


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