Mark 15:1-47

All of us are motivated, either by our own desires or some other outside influence. Our hearts move us to perform certain actions or cultivate attitudes that shape both who we are and what we do. As we look again at the crucifixion of Christ I would like to consider what were the motivating factors behind the actions and attitudes displayed at and around the cross.

PILATE WAS MANIPULATED BY MEN: It is a dangerous thing when powerful men have no personal conviction or commitment to the truth. Pilate knew that Christ was innocent but since he was a "man pleaser," it was easy for the priests to manipulate him into doing what they wanted. He was in love with his own power and position and would do whatever it took to keep it. Ironically, by giving into the whims of the crowd he only proved his lack of power. When we seek our own glory we will always become people pleasers. Once that fact is established, those men we try so hard to please will be able to easily manipulate us into doing whatever they want us to do. We must be passionate for the glory of God and the defense of truth no matter what the consequences or the opinions of men might be.

SOLDIERS WERE HARDENED BY HATRED: They had experienced and inflicted so much pain in their lives that they were desensitized by their own hatred and they became hard hearted. They were given orders to whip Christ and crucify Him. This would have been a gruesome task for most of us to even imagine being able to perform. To them, it seems they relished in the opportunity. There was no need to spit on Him, to place thorns on His head, strip Him of His clothing and mock Him. This was all done simply out of their own cruelty. It is scary to see just how putrid the human heart can become when it is constantly practicing sin. We must beware that the same depraved heart beats in every one of us and, but for God's grace, we would be hardened by that same hatred. We must guard our hearts from growing hard through the constant practice of sin.

THE CROWD WAS PROVOKED BY POPULARITY: Much like Pilate, the people on the streets got caught up in whatever the majority seemed to be clamoring for. I imagine most of them had no clue what the accusations were and they likely did not really care. A few days earlier they were shouting "Hosanna" today the are crying "crucify!" I wonder if most of them were even aware that they were yelling about the same person. We all have such a tendency to just go with the flow and follow the crowd without really being aware of where the crowd might be leading us. Popularity is a dangerous desire with which most of us struggle, no matter what our age. We must not allow our desire to "fit in" to cause us to abandon our convictions and our loyalties to the Lord.

CHRIST WAS MOTIVATED BY MERCY: The truth is that at any moment Christ could have walked away from all the pain, degradation and humiliation. He could have taken His revenge on all involved. He could have struck Pilate down. He could have turned the whips on the soldiers like He had with the money changers in the Temple. He could have caused the ground to open up and swallow the crowd. He had mercy on them and on us and He endured it all that we might be saved. It is not always about what seems right or just. God wants us to be merciful and He gave us the perfect illustration in the person of His Son. We often excuse our own bad behavior and sin against others because "they deserved it." God has not called us to treat men as they deserve. He has called us to be imitators of Christ which means suffering in silence and extending mercy, even to those who mistreat us.

JOSEPH WAS CONTROLLED BY COURAGE: As we saw by the behavior of the disciples, being associated with Christ was not an easy thing to do at this point in history. Joseph was setting himself up to be ridiculed by the crowd, mistreated by the soldiers and persecuted by the priests. He did not allow his fears to control him but was courageous and did what he knew was right. He lovingly lowered Christ's body from the cross, wrapped it and laid Jesus in his own tomb. This act of courage and compassion put he and his family at risk but that is what obedience to the cause of Christ demands. We don't know the names of any of the mob and I don't know of one single person who is named Pilate. That is because the fame of people pleasing is fleeting. Joseph of Aramathea will be fondly remembered by all who hold Christ dear for all of eternity. May God fill our hearts with this same courage.

WE WERE LIBERATED BY LOVE: The text says nothing about us, but I could not close these thoughts without reminding all of us that the death of Christ is what has liberated us from sin. We are free from the chains of sin that imprisoned the hearts of Pilate, the soldiers and the crowd because of the love of Christ demonstrated on that cross. We too can have mercy, courage, compassion and love as the motivating factors of our lives because of the emancipation from sin that was proclaimed from the cross by Christ. Because of His great love we are free!!!


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