Mark 1:1-45

Okay, new book, new author, new style; I feel like Mark is telling the same story as Matthew, but "on steroids." I think Mark covers in one chapter what took Matthew ten. That, and the fact that he uses the word "immediately" ten times in this one chapter gives me the feeling that Mark is in a hurry to get this stuff out. Lets observe a few things about the ministry of Christ in this "fly by" that Mark has provided for us.

John Taught of the Way. John was sent to prepare the way for the ministry of Christ. He had great success and a large following, but it was his job to open the way for Christ's coming and point others to Him. It is easy for ministers to allow the ministry to become focused on themselves. We must always remember that we are pointing others towards Christ.

God Testified in the Water. The Father helped prepare the ministry of Christ by making a public declaration of His identity. Jesus knew who He was and John knew who He was and now, thanks to this public declaration, all who were there knew who He was. When we step out into ministry, we do not do so on our own. We belong to the Father and He places His seal of ownership on us through the abiding work of the Spirit of God in our lives.

Satan Tempted in the Wilderness. The wilderness might not be a nice way to prepare for ministry but it is necessary. Christ was tested in the harshest of circumstances and came out victorious. He experienced the strengthening that comes from walking in the wilderness. None of us want to face times of testings. We wish there could be an easier way, but there is not. God forges character on the anvil of adversity. This is part of the preparation for any who embark on the journey of ministry.

Christ Mentored Men. I think that it is significant that He starts His ministry by calling men to follow Him. He surrounds himself with men that will be with Him every step of the way. Many people will be touched by His work but these men will be transformed because of their time with Him. Ministering to the masses will bring adulation. Mentoring men will cause transformation.

Christ Taught Truth. Wherever He went He was always teaching. He taught while he was walking along the way or sitting in the synagogue. He taught those who wanted to hear and those who did not like what they heard. He spoke the truth with authority. The context didn't matter. Public opinion didn't matter. He took full advantage of His time and taught the truth to all who could hear.

Christ Reached new Regions. He was not satisfied to stay in one place. He was not interested in becoming "established." He wanted His message to be spread to new places and new people. It is not the easiest way to go about ministry, but Christ had a passion to see the Gospel spread. He still does.

Christ took an Interest in Individuals. All along the way He stops what He is doing to serve one person after another. He loved people and took a genuine and personal interest in their lives. Everyone is unique. Unfortunately, we tend to look at everyone else as if they were the same. We think that we and our problems are unique, but have little time to truly focus on the people around us as individuals.

Christ had Compassion on the Crowds. When the masses of people show up at His door after dark, He loves them and meets their needs. Too often, when we look over the jungles of people that gather in the cities of the world, our minds go numb and our hearts grow cold. God wants us to be filled with compassion for the crowds.

Christ Sought Solitude. It was hard to come by with the schedule he kept, but He got up early, while it was still dark so that He could have time to pray. If Jesus needed times of solitude to talk to the Father in prayer, how much more must we make time in our lives to seek solitude that we might pray?


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