Matthew 25:1-46

This chapter continues Christ's considerations on what to do in light of His coming. This seems like vital information that all of us would do well to consider and then compare how we are doing at being conformed to these teachings. We know that when Christ comes there will be an examination. Christ, in this passage, has given us a "cheat sheet" in order to help us prepare for that final exam.

PREPARE WITH PATIENCE IN FAITH: I think that the parable of the ten virgins waiting for the wedding is all about being properly prepared as we patiently wait. The only way to be properly prepared for the the coming of Christ is by placing our faith in the death of Christ on the cross. But, it is very hard to be patient. We live in a society of instant results, so waiting is not a concept with which we are very comfortable. The fact that the return of Christ has delayed for some two-thousand years has caused many men to question if He will return. It is hard to keep preparing for an event that just never seems to happen. We must not become discouraged or doubtful as we wait. Christ will come and we must prepare diligently while He delays. Lets be patient as we wait for Him with faith in His work.

PRODUCE WITH PRUDENCE IN HOPE: The parable of the talents illustrates many truths about ourselves as well as about Christ's return. We learn that not all of us are given the same abilities or opportunities. Our level of giftedness is something that is beyond our control and is determined by God. However, God intends for us to faithfully use our gifts to further the cause of Christ no matter how big or little our gifts may be. Those with high levels of giftedness must be careful that they do not become proud and start building or promoting their own kingdom. Those with lower levels of giftedness must not allow timidity or fear to cause them to not use their gifts. We are not to be in the habit of comparing our gifts with one another. This will only cause either pride or timidity both of which are highly detrimental. What God demands of us is that we be faithful with what He has given us. He knows our gifts, for they came from Him and we will give an account before Him as to how we have used those gifts. The rewards of faithful service to the Lord, no matter how great or small our gits and opportunities, are worth every effort we might give. Lets be prudent as we wait for Him in hope of His rewards.

PROVIDE WITH POLITENESS IN LOVE: Our relationship with the Lord should transform our lives. This is, in many ways, both a dangerous and sobering passage. It is dangerous, because, if taken by itself, would seem to indicate that one can earn his way to heaven by caring for the poor apart from faith in Christ. It is sobering, because it indicates that those who do have a true faith in Christ will, naturally, provide for the poor. Too often, our theology is so focused on the knowledge of the truth that it does not translate into the transformation of our lives. We know how to define all of the big words. But, do we live in light of them? A true understanding of God and faith in Christ, must produce a genuine love for Him. A genuine love of God will be demonstrated in loving ALL those around us. Far too often, we have trouble loving the people in our own family or church much less the hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick and imprisoned strangers that come our way. We must realize that our rudeness or indifference toward them is indifference or rudeness toward God and that our love of them is love of God. Lets be polite as we wait for Him with love for His people.

We must prepare patiently with faith in the cross as we wait for Christ's return. We must produce prudently with hope of reward as we use our gifts to promote the kingdom. We must provide politely with love for the poor and needy just as if we were loving Jesus himself. So as we prepare for that final exam, we would do well to remember and live in light of faith, hope and love.


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