Mark 12:1-44

God's desire for our lives is that we be faithful. There are many areas that faithfulness is required and this chapter covers seven (yes seven) of them. I promise I won't spend much time on them, but I think that this list is a good checklist that we would be wise to review from time to time.

BE FAITHFUL TO USE GOD'S GIFTS: The vine dresser was given all of the necessary items for producing great grapes for the master. He might have grown grapes but he was not faithful with them and used them for his own purposes. He was also not faithful to heed the messengers that were sent to correct him. Faithfulness requires us to use God's gifts for His glory and not our own and to respond to those He sends to teach us.

BE FAITHFUL TO SUBMIT TO GOD'S AUTHORITIES: The Pharisees were trying to trap Christ into appearing like a revolutionary. Jesus did not fall for the trick but taught a principle of faithfulness to the government in the form of paying taxes. This act of faithfulness is, in reality and act of faithfulness to God.

BE FAITHFUL TO BELIEVE GOD'S WORD: The Sadducee's valued their traditions concerning the lack of resurrection over the teaching of God's Word. This is not faithfulness. We are often tempted to follow our traditions and habits even if they are not biblical. We must put God's Word above what we might be comfortable with due to years of practice. We must conform our beliefs to God's Word and not try to conform His Word to our beliefs.

BE FAITHFUL TO OBEY GOD'S WILL: The Scribes want to know God's most important law. This a basic problem we all have. We say we need to "know" God's will, but in reality what we need is to "do" God's will. It is clearly revealed to us so we know it, our trouble is in doing what we know. God calls us to love Him and love others. Very simple to remember and know; not so simple to be faithful to obey.

BE FAITHFUL TO WORSHIP GOD'S SON: Jesus makes it clear that He is Lord. David called Him Lord and He wants to prove this point from the Scriptures to the Jewish leaders. If David worshiped Christ than all must do the same. We must not be impressed our caught up in the worship of men or self. Christ alone is worth of our worship.

BE FAITHFUL TO LIVE FOR GOD'S GLORY: This is exactly what the Jewish leaders failed to do. They loved to make public prayers and wear fancy clothes so that men would see them and glorify them. When we attract attention to ourselves we are robing glory that belongs to God. We must live to promote God's glory and not our own.

BE FAITHFUL TO GIVE GOD'S MONEY: The widow gave all that she had. It is not about how much we give, it is about what is left over. God counts gifts in percentages not amounts. God is not in need of money, I have heard He owns lots of cows on lots of hills. We give because it is an honor to be able to participate in the work of God. Giving is not about big amounts or little amounts it is about faithfulness.


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