Mark 16:1-20

One of the things that stand out to me as I reflect on this chapter is the contrast between the disciples prior to the resurrection and after they see Jesus. This will become even more evident once we dive into the book of Acts in a couple of months. But this is what stood out to me.

BEFORE: They had been told that Christ would rise again, but they did not believe it. Mary went to the tomb and found it empty and Jesus appeared to her, but they would not believe her. Other disciples met Jesus on the road and reported to the others, but they could not believe them either. They are overcome with grief, fear and doubt and when they finally do meet Christ they are reproved for their unbelief. It is always very dangerous when we take our eyes off Christ and His promises. When our faith is small our fear become large. When our doubts are many our delights become few. We too await the return of a resurrected Saviour whom none of us have seen. We must hold strong to our faith without doubting so that when we do meet Him we might receive reward and not reproof.

AFTER: The presence of Christ changes everything. When they see Jesus He immediately gives them a mission that continues to give direction to all of our lives to this day. Christ walked into a room of grieving doubters that were adrift of the seas of fear. Within minutes He gave them purpose, promised them power and they went forward in obedience. These men revolutionized the world in a way that has impacted all of our lives. This same purpose must be the driving force for us today, and this same power is available to every person who has trusted Christ. We too can change the World in which we live and go forward to proclaim the resurrected Christ to a world that is lost and without hope apart from the message that we have. May we obey our Lord, depend on His Spirit and fulfill the purpose for which we have been left on this earth.


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