Acts 12:1-25

God is in control!  We might not always understand His ways and why He chooses to deliver some people and not deliver others, but the fact that He is in control is indisputable.  That fact should give us both peace and hope in whatever circumstances we might be called upon to face.

DELIVERANCE FROM PRISON: Herod decided that he wanted in on the persecution of Christians in order to please the Jews.  James, the brother of John and one of the closest disciples who followed Christ was executed.  The response was so positive that he arrested Peter and no doubt decided to do the same with him.  God had different plans and send an angel to set him free.  The guards ended up losing their lives, but Peter was safe and sound.  It just show us that no matter how hard things seem, God is able to provide relief.  Peter was chained between two guards with another set of guards in front of the prison door.  Herod was planning to kill him the next day.  Things did not look very good for Peter, but notice that he is sound asleep.  God steps in and Peter is set free.

DEPENDENCE UPON PRAYER: These were dark days for the believers in Jerusalem.  James had been killed Peter was in prison and Herod seems to be siding with the Jews.  Their response is significant; they pray.  This should be our response in every situation of life.  We may never know how connected the deliverance of Peter was to the believer's prayers, but we do know that God commands us to pray and that He does answer prayer.  There is a certain amount of irony in the fact that when Peter shows up at the door they do not believe it can be true, but I think that shows us how God really does not depend on our faith in order to answer our prayers.  I think that it is still okay for us to pray even when, in our hearts, we may not be confident that God will do as we would like Him to.  Certainly to pray in faith is better, but faithless prayer is better than no prayer at all.

DESTRUCTION OF PRIDE: Herod, despite the embarrassment caused by Peter's escape, goes out in public and excepts the praise of the people as if he were a god.  The true and living God sends a very clear message.  Herod drops dead and is consumed by worms.  Herod may have thought he had power when he killed James and gained the popularity of the Jews, but God show all of us that there is no power but that which resides in God.  Power can easily lead to pride, but pride inevitably leads to destruction.  If ever God allows any amount of influence or power, it is vital to exercise that leadership with all humility and for His glory and not our own.


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