Romans 9:1-33

This chapter begins what seems like a parenthesis in Paul's argument that confronts his Jewish readers head on.  Though the arguments may be intended to convince Jews of the truth of justification by faith alone, they still hold very deep and precious truths for each of us.

GOD'S FAVOR CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED FROM ANOTHER: Paul's love for his fellow countrymen was so great that he wished that he could be accursed in their place so that they might experience the joy of forgiveness.  This, of course, is an impossibility.  Each man will stand before God based upon his faith alone and one man's faith cannot be transferred to another.  I am, however, amazed and challenged by Paul's love for the people who constantly persecuted him.  His heart was truly broken over their blindness and he longed for their salvation.  I need to have that same passion for those who are lost.

GOD'S FAVOR CANNOT BE INHERITED THROUGH BIRTH: The Jews wrongly believed that they would have God's favor simply because they were decedents of Abraham.  Paul clearly demonstrates that this is not the case through Jacob and Esau.  These doctrines are difficult for us to grasp, because, from a human perspective we convince ourselves that we are all deserving of God's favor and compassion.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Our sin, both personal and inherited, makes us enemies of God deserving only of His wrath.  Nobody is deserving of God's compassion and God is certainly not obligated to extend his compassion to all, especially those who reject His Son.  It simply does not matter that we were born into one family or another.  God extends His compassion to both Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, brilliant and simple.  We must never trust in the fact that we were born into a Christian home as a means by which we will be saved or have been saved.  If we have been saved it is because God has extended His compassion to us through Christ by means of our faith in His work.

GOD'S FAVOR CANNOT BE EARNED BY WORKS: Keeping the Law and putting forth effort to obey are noble pursuits in life, but the will never result in eternal life.  Following regulation and practicing religious rituals may make a man feel better about himself, but it will never bring him eternal life.  Salvation is by faith alone apart from the righteous acts and rituals that one might offer.  Only those who seek God in faith, knowing that their own righteousness is insufficient and that they desperately need the righteousness offer by Christ on the cross will find forgiveness and be justified.  Our rules and regulations along with our faithful church attendance, Bible reading, prayer, Christian service and giving are simply filthy rags without the righteousness of Christ through faith in the cross.


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