Acts 21:1-40

Paul’s march to Jerusalem reminds me a lot of Christ’s march to this same city.  They both know that danger and death are ahead of them and they both don’t seem to care.  I am sure that both of them wanted a way out, but the truth is that the both wanted God’s will above their own.
PAUL IS WARNED OF THE DANGER: Wherever Paul went, his fellow believers and traveling companions were warning him about the dangers he would face in Jerusalem.  They were basically pleading with him not to go.  However, Paul would not be deterred.  He made it clear that he believed God would have him go and that he was willing to suffer whatever consequences this decision might bring.  Paul teaches us a vital lesson as he is far more concerned with obeying God and furthering the kingdom than he is about his own comfort and safety.  God’s will and work should always be our first priority.
PAUL IS WILLING TO BE DEFERENT: When Paul arrives in Jerusalem, he is advises to perform a purification ritual and pay for other converted Jews to do the same as a demonstration of his deference to the Law of Moses.  Paul enters the temple, as was his right under Jewish Law having fulfilled all of the requirements and traditions that the Jewish leaders set forth.  He was not being rebellious in any way.  Paul’s willingness to do this shows that he was not out to be antagonistic.  Too often, when we do not agree with certain religious groups, we become offensive and make enemies unnecessarily.  We do not have to compromise our convictions to treat others with deference.
PAUL IS WHIPPED BECAUSE OF DECEIT: The Asian Jews saw Paul in the temple and assumed that his companions were Gentiles.  They don’t bother to verify what they believe but use their influence and tell their lies in order to try to do away with Paul.  The ensuing riot and the beatings that Paul suffered were no fault of his own.  He had done the best he could to appease these people, but to no avail.  When unbelievers are threatened they have no scruples and will cause conflict despite our best efforts.  We must remember that God knows all of this and that He is in control.  Being whipped was not at all enjoyable to Paul, but he endured in with confidence and even joy knowing that it was God’s plan for his life at that time.  May God grant us this same perspective.


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