Acts 27:1-44

Paul begins his journey to Rome, and it is anything but routine.  There are ups and downs and highs and lows as Paul and his companions are literally tossed to and fro.  What is consistent all along the way is the presence of God that protects Paul and continues to provide him with a platform to impact the people around him.

PAUL RECEIVES FAVORABLE TREATMENT FROM THE SOLDIERS: As Paul travels on the ship as well as when he is at port, he is given the privilege of having visitors and receiving gifts from his friends.  This is, by no means, the normal way that Roman prisoners are treated, but it is a demonstration of how God can work in the hearts of any person to bring about His will and provide for His servants.  God is faithful to give us what we need and gives us hope when He knows that we need it.

PAUL FACES A FEROCIOUS TEMPEST AT SEA: Paul tries to convince the sailors that they should stay at port, but they thought they knew better and set sail.  Predictably, a storm rages and things become desperate.  The men do all that they can to save the boat and their lives, but they are quickly loosing any and all hope.  We might expect that God would give His servant smooth sailing all the way to Rome, but God has other plans and purposes.  We may be called upon to face storms in life, but it should be a comfort for us to know that God is in control.

PAUL MAINTAINS A FAITHFUL TESTIMONY IN THE STORM: Paul does not panic when it looks like all will be lost.  God assures him that he will reach Rome and that all of the men will be saved.  Because Paul believes and trusts God, he has no fear of the circumstances and can focus on serving the other men that are stricken with panic.  He does not get angry with the men for having ignored his advice, but he calmly assures them with what he has learned from God, he instructs them as to what they must do and he serves them food as a means of meeting their needs.  If these men were not convinced that Paul had something different in his life, they were blind.  I believe that many of them were not only saved from the storm but were saved from their sin due to Paul's testimony.  When we face storms, we have a choice, we can either panic, doubt and question the power and goodness of God, or we can trust God and rest in His faithfulness.  If we choose the latter, God will use us to impart hope and impact hearts of all with whom we come in contact.


  1. Great encouragement today that "what is consistent along the way is the presence of God". How true that rings out in my spirit! Thank you for lifting my gaze heavenwards and refreshing my spirit with truth.

  2. You are most welcome. Thank you for the encouragement. God truly is great, and we, apart from Him, well, not so great. But... He is in us and with us and for us WOW. That is grace.


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