Acts 15:1-41

Conflict is, unfortunately, an inevitable part of our lives on this earth, even within the church.  Until we are free from our sin nature in glory, we will have to deal with conflicts that arise.  This chapter has several lessons from which we can learn.

LEGALISM CREATES CONFLICT: The Jewish converts were convinced that the Gentile believers should be circumcised.  This was a huge issue to them and they thought that it should apply to all believers.  In their minds, keeping this law was crucial to pleasing God and they wanted to impose their conviction on all believers.  This is often the source of conflict today when people become convicted about standards that are not found in Scripture and then they impose those personal conviction on others as a means of pleasing God.  This is a divisive and dangerous practice that has hindered the cause of Christ in every generation.  There is nothing wrong with holding to personal convictions and even encourage others to adhere to those convictions.  However, when we begin to make those convictions the condition through which we please God, we have become sowers of discord amongst the brethren.  We must seek to conform our convictions to the Scripture not on our preferences or traditions.

COMMUNICATION CALMS CONFLICT: The proper response to conflict is to openly communicate about the areas of doubt and division.  When conflict arises, and it will, we must not fall into the trap of becoming offended and further the divisiveness by going behind peoples backs or being critical.  The church in Antioch sent Paul, Barnabas and others straight to the source to be able to verify for sure what they were hearing from the men.  They assumed nothing until they were able to verify the truth.  Far too often, conflict is complicated through a lack of communication.  We will often misunderstand one another or misread intentions.  If we assume things to be true that are not, we will not resolve the conflict but make it much worse.  When things start to get complicated go and talk to the source of conflict right away and before you talk to others or allow bitterness to grow in your heart.

SCRIPTURE CONTROLS CONFLICT: The debate over circumcision was an important one, but it was not solved by emotions or tradition, it was solved when godly leaders stood up and defended the truth by applying the Scriptures to the situation.  Peter and James had the courage to step up and make it very clear what God had reveled to them.  They did not state their opinion, they communicated the Word of God and applied it to this situation in a way that brought a solution to the church.  We need leaders who knows the Word and have the ability and the courage to apply it to the everyday issues of the church.  Leaders must not be influenced by their tradition, the opinion of the crowd or even their personal opinion.  They must stand on the Scriptures.

PERSONALITIES CAUSE CONFLICT: Even Paul and Barnabas got caught in a conflict over their traveling companion for the next journey.  Barnabas wanted to give John Mark a second chance, Paul didn't think it was wise.  They were not able to resolve the issue and decided to choose different companions.  In the end there were two teams of missionaries.  This kind of conflict can happen even with very godly men.  It was not based on Scripture and we don't know enough about what went on here to know how it was really handled or resolved.  We do know that at the end of Paul's ministry he asked for Mark to come and help him, so apparently, Mark grew and Paul forgave.  There may be times where, due to conflict, the best thing to do is move on in order to preserve peace, but we must not allow this to bread bitterness in our hearts.  We may not always be able to work hand in hand with all of out brothers and sisters in Christ, but we must love them and ought not become offensive in our treatment of one another.


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